Achieving Silver

Strand B: Teaching and Learning through Rights – Ethos and Relationships

We are given the opportunity to lead across five different areas to help develop the school, with our voice being heard and opinions and ideas forming the next steps.  The five groups are: School Council, Eco-Group, Media Team, Rights Respecting School Warriors, House Captains.

Some children in Year 6 had coaching sessions with John Kane from Kanevolve Consultancy. In these sessions, children learnt more about the qualities of leadership, their relationship with others and the vision of the school.

Students from Year 4 had participated in workshops with Arpita Jain, a nutritionist from the Avanti Trust. Students learnt about importance of drinking water, eatwell guide, food origins and its benefits on health, food commodities, healthy eating, food labels, cut the salt and microgreens.

Clubs are offered to children on a weekly basis. In 2019, there were around 35 clubs. Can you believe that?  This includes photography, cooking, a variety of sports, STEM club, jewellery making and the list goes on.   The school also works in partnership with Leicester Tigers and Leicester Football Club.

The Eco Warriors have been active in making sure that the area around the school is nice and clean.

Every week, one child from each class is voted by their peers to be a Rights Respecting Hero. This person is confident with their articles, showing rights respecting behaviour and is trying to make a difference.  We also have a star of the week for a child.  These children are praised and rewarded with a certificate.

Collective worship plays a big part in our lives at school. We not only get to sing about the glories of Krishna but we also learn about our rights, learn about the school values and listen to faith based stories, learn about what is happening around the world and think about how we can apply what we have learnt to our lives.  We write our thoughts in a class reflection book. Take a look at some of our reflections.

What do you think of our new library? This year we received funding and now have an amazing 10 000 books.  We were given the opportunity to choose the books we would love to read!

This year due to COVID, SSPAN(School Sports Partnership Area Network) which encompasses a wide range of sports has changed its offer to virtual participation and competition. This includes several competitions within school and a virtual league with other schools in the city.  During lockdown, children were able to continue these activities at home.  Furthermore, the PE mentor supplemented this with additional home and school based physical activity.