Students from our school had the opportunity to visit a children’s readathon event at the Leicester Racecourse. During this event, we were fortunate to meet the famous author, Adam Barron.
Initially, we waited for the other participating schools to arrive. When the final participating school arrived, we collaborated and began creating our very own story, with Adam, about three bears. After completion of our bear story, we began an activity where we started at A and worked or way through the alphabet. During this activity, we got to know some of the participating students’ names.
After that, our school group produced a story. We jointly shared our ideas with the end result being an amazing story including action and crime.
Finally, after an immensely enjoyable morning, we left the experience and headed back to school. We all found it really fun. Just as we arrived back at school, we were informed about a competition that our teachers, Mr Bathia and Miss Bigginton, were running for the best story written – the prize will be on of Adam Baron’s books!
By Riya Choudhary