What will my child be learning in Key Stage 1?
Key Stage 1 is years 1 and 2. Here the children will be exposed to more formal styles of teaching but will still have the opportunity to access some provision style-learning to support that smooth transition from EYFS play-based learning to Year 1. Children will learn through a story-led curriculum and will have the opportunities to go on trips linked to their engaging topics. Key Stage 1 is where the children begin their exciting new journey in learning the Spanish language.
Our curriculum for Key Stage One is based on the National Curriculum. As children continue to develop their phonic skills and love for reading, they will access the following programmes of study:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- History/
- Geography
- Art/
- Design and Technology
- Computing
- Music
- Physical Education (PE)
- Spanish (This will take place in the summer term of Year 2)
Alongside this, children will continue to develop their skills in; Yoga, Sanskrit, and PRE
Useful links:
National curriculum https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum