Welcome to the Reception classes page. Here you will find general information about classroom routines as well as information about what your child will be learning about.
General information
Who’s Who:
Reception Class Teachers: Miss Kaur & Miss Savadia
Reception support staff: Mrs Patel & Miss Sicotray
P.E and Yoga days: Monday & Thursday
All children must come to school in their P.E uniform on both P.E and Yoga days.
Buttercup Class: Monday & Thursday
Daisy Class: Monday & Thursday
Home Reading:
Children will get their first home reading book the week beginning 18th September. Children will take home a book that is closely connected to the phonic knowledge they are being taught; this book is known as their ‘book band’ book. As Parent and carers, you are encouraged to support your child to read this book independently with fluency and comprehension and make notes in your child’s reading diary such as the number of reads they have completed, words they have struggled on and positive developments.
Children will also take home a second book known as their ‘story book’, this book is a book of their choice of which they may have a particular interest in. As Parents and carers, you are encouraged to read this book with your child.
Books will be changed every Tuesday. Please ensure both books and reading diary are in your child’s bookbag so that they can be changed.
Oxford Owl E-books
From the spring term onwards your child will also have an online E-book or reading activity. Please login to your child’s Oxford Owl account to access this homework. This is another great way of engaging your child in reading! Go to Oxford Owl for School and Home to login.
What are we learning about?
This terms topic is: Our World
Please click on the links below to find out more information about this term and previous terms.
Please click on the Reception Long Term plan for more information.
The children at Avanti Fields have a structured timetable which is followed. Please see below an average timetable for the week.
Discovery Education: Espresso
At Avanti Fields School we use the Discovery Education, Espresso platform to share information about home learning. Please click on the link below to access this terms assigned learning pad. You will need your child’s Espresso Login details for this.