Key Information

Below you can find the following:

    • Equality Objectives

    • Annual Reports and Accounts

    • Trustees & Directors

    • Exclusions arrangements

    • Internal Exclusions

    • SEND

    • School Results

Equality Objectives

  • Strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all, adults and pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religious belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
  • Promote a harmonious environment (social cohesion)
  • Strive for all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards in their learning and make good progress and to be committed to closing the gaps in progress and attainment.
  • Ensure that the appointment of staff is in line with equal opportunities legislation
  • Ensure that the governing body of the school reflects diversity
  • Identify barriers to learning and participation and provide appropriately to meet a diversity of needs
  • To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through daily teaching, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.

Annual Reports and Accounts

Please click here for the Avanti Schools Trust Annual Report

Trustees & Directors

Our central core team comprises leading educationalists, HMIs, previous headteachers, previous directors of LEAs, project managers and business and community leaders.

Please click on the link below for information on Trustees and Directors:

Click Here >>

Exclusions arrangements

We are an inclusive school and will work hard to develop strategies to include all children. However, in extreme cases, the school will make exclusions to maintain the health and safety of all our community.

The school endeavours to do all it can to avoid permanent exclusion. However, a permanent exclusion is for extreme and significant breaches of behaviour, for example, physically aggressive behaviour towards others in school. When such cases are considered, referral should be made to the DFE guidance and liaison with the local authority and the Trust will be undertaken.

Fixed term exclusions are for serious breaches of the school rules. Some examples are:

• refusal to follow staff direction
• stealing school property
• damaging school property
• causing injury to another person
• misconduct when representing the school off site.

If your child is excluded you will be contacted by the school and informed of the reason for exclusion, the length of the exclusion and who to contact should you need support or what to do if you want to appeal the exclusion. (Please see School Behaviour Policy –

All exclusions are reported to the local authority, Trust and the Chair of the School Stakeholder Committee.

The Deputy Principal has the authority to exclude pupils in the absence of the Principal.

Internal Exclusions

Internal exclusions will be at the discretion of Senior Leadership Team (SLT), although the Principal will be kept informed of the status of internal exclusions on a daily basis and will be in response to a culmination of behaviour incidents or extreme and serious single incident.

Internal exclusions will be decided and coordinated by a member of SLT. An internal exclusion is different to a time out/reflection in another classroom.

If a student has an internal exclusion they will be sent with appropriate work to complete supervised by a member SLT.  SLT will inform the students’s parents and record the incident and steps taken to avoid future incidents. The student will be monitored and supported by the SLT, including the SENCO, following the exclusion.

The approximate length of an internal exclusion will be no longer than 30-45min at any one time.

External exclusions will follow guidance from The Avanti Schools Trust School Behaviour policy. Only the Principal and Deputy Principal can exclude children externally. A decision to externally exclude will only be taken when all other possibilities and strategies have been exhausted, including close partnership with the parents to improve the students behaviour.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

An overview of the school

Avanti Meadows is an Academy and part of the Avanti Schools Trust. It will eventually provide places for 630 children, with 90 children in each year group as well as 26 places in Nursery. We aim to develop a small school model so that every child is well known, challenged and inspired to be the best they can be. The school serves a diverse community in which people from all background, faith and other world views are welcomed.

The SENDCO is Mrs Claire Maher


Editied AMPS SEND Report and offer

AMPS Equalities and Diversity Policy

AMPS Equality Action Plan September 2021

AMPS Accessibility Action Plan

For further information please email [email protected]