Useful information for a new academic year 2021/22

My child feels safe at Avanti Meadows

Assemblies are focused on our values – Respect, Self-discipline, Courage, Integrity, Empathy and Gratitude .

We strive to develop positive caring relationships with our children. We want them to know they can talk to any adult at Avanti Meadows if they have a problem or are worried about something.

High adult:pupil ratio around the school. Plenty of adults at lunch time and in the playground. Fully trained first aiders around the school.

Curriculum is designed to develop pupils’ ability to raise questions and give their view. We aim to develop every child’s sense of self and the space they come to school in.

We talk to children to find out about their school from their point of view. We also invite Local Authority, SSC and members of the Trust to monitor the work of the school.

I am informed about my child’s progress

You will be given the opportunity to attend Parent Consultation meetings with your child’s class teacher in the Autumn and Spring term to discuss your child’s progress, attainment and attendance.  You will receive a full written report in the Summer term, which will inform you of your child’s attainment, progress, attendance and commitment to the school’s values.

You are free to make an appointment to see your child’s teacher and talk through any issues or just see how well they are doing.

If your child has an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHC) you will be invited for a termly meeting with the SENDCo, class teacher and on some occasions, a lead professional eg Speech and Language therapist may be present to support review targets and to set new ones.

My child receives appropriate homework

We think that children should love learning. We do not give out traditional worksheet homework because according to research it does not actually help children to learn better (although I know we often think it does). What does help is what we do…

Regular reading: every day.

Regular writing: telling stories, role play, writing shopping lists etc.

Practice: number facts, phonics, handwriting, rote learn timestables etc.

Home Learning projects: research projects to help children understand the bigger meaning of learning. These are set for six weeks.

How does the school deal with bullying?

See our information about bullying in our policy. Basically we will not tolerate it at all – but we also want to get to the bottom of the negative behaviour. We teach children that this behaviour is not acceptable and tell them in assemblies and in class how we will deal with it. We also will have an annual Anti-Bullying Week as well as safe spaces during PSHE for children to share their concerns and worry boxes in classes.

Raising concerns?

We strive to be a listening school. We want your view whether positive or negative. We know that you will communicate with us following our communication and complaints policies (see on policy page). We also know that in doing so your aim is to help the school improve for everyone.

Yoga at Avanti Meadows

The document below outlines the reasons of teaching Yoga at Meadows and how Yoga supports our children’s learning.

Yoga at Avanti Meadows Benefits

If you would like a paper copy of any information on our website, please let the school office know and we will copy the information for you. If you would like any of the information in enlarged print please inform the office who will be glad to assist.