Please note that we can provide paper copies of all the information published on our website, free of charge, for parents/carers.
The following statutory and Trust-wide policies can be found (or are referenced) by clicking here.
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti Bullying & Cyber Bullying
- Bring Your Own Device
- Business Continuity Plan
- Careers Guidance
- Charging and Remissions
- Children educated outside of Chronological Year group
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Children Looked After (CLA)
- Collective Worship
- Data Breach
- Data Protection
- Early Career Teacher (ECT) Policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage – Overall Statement
- Equality
- Home School Agreement
- Health and Safety (Including First Aid)
- ICT Acceptable Use
- Information Security
- Model Publication Scheme (Freedom of Information)
- Online Safety and Remote Learning
- Parent Privacy Notice
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) Curriculum
- Physical Intervention and Reasonable Force
- Pupil Privacy Notice
- Records Management
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Risk Management
- School Behaviour (Behaviour Framework)
- School Exclusions
- Subject Access Request
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
- Uniform
- Vaccination Statement
- Visitors to School Behaviour
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing – Examinations
Policy | Download | |
Communication Strategy | Click Here >> | |
Child protection and Safeguarding Policy | Click Here >> | |
Whole School Behaviour Policy | Click Here >> | |
Behaviour for Learning Policy | Click Here >> | |
AST Privacy Notice for Applicaa | Click Here >> | |
Further Policies
Hertfordshire Local Offer Click Here>>
Equality & Accessibility
Medicine and sickness at school
We will administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor to avoid children missing too much time from school. Our procedure must be followed:
- Complete a Medicine at School form (obtainable at the school office)
- Long term complaints (asthma/diabetes) will require meeting with the school nurse and risk assessment agreed.
- Medicine should be brought to the school by the parent (Not the child) and handed to the office staff.
- Medicines must be clearly labelled with your doctor’s label, contents, child’s name, and dosage. Medicines should be locked in the office.
- Children will go to the office where their medicine will be administered by one of the first aid trained office staff. Teachers and/or office staff cannot accept responsibility for timing of the administration of the medicine. Parents are able to come to school to administer the medicine themselves should they be concerned about this.
- Under no circumstances should medicines be kept in cloakrooms or classrooms. This will eliminate the risk of the wrong child taking the medicine.
- The school can only administer medication, which has been prescribed by a doctor (including Calpol and Piriton).
If your child is sick at school, a trained first aider will attend and in consultation with the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher will decide how to proceed and may decide to send home.
Please note that in line with guidance, children who have been vomiting or suffered from diarrhoea must not return to school until 48 hours following the last episode.
Inclusion: Special Education Needs (SEN)
Following our vision and mission statement, we expect all children to be challenged in their learning. We encourage children to take risks, to be reflective learners who build the skills to be able to manage learning in all aspects of their lives.
All children will need support at different points of their learning journey. We know that a child’s ability to learn is not ‘determined at birth’ but is rather constantly evolving. We move away from describing children as ‘bright’ or high ability/low ability but look to find ways to help a child transform – their transformability.
Some children have specific and special education needs (behavioural need, learning need, social need etc). Some need extra support; some need more challenge. We are vigilant in identifying children’s needs, working in collaboration with parents/carers and other services to support their needs. Alison McCulloch is the HUB inclusion Lead with considerable experience in this field. Should you have concerns please do not hesitate to contact her to arrange an appointment.
Our home visits are an opportunity to discuss how your child learns at home, their development from birth and any issues that have arisen. Being open and honest will help us all achieve the best strategy to support your child to achieve.
Parental Permission
We need written permission from parents/carers for a number of reasons – namely local trips, use of photos. Before children start school, parents are requested to sign a form giving permission for their child to go on local trips less than 1 mile in distance and on foot. A separate permission letter is sent for all other trips. Permission must be given before the day of the trip.
Children without written permission will not be able to go on the trip, but will still be expected in school.
Parents are also asked to sign giving permission for the school to take photos for displays, for use in children’s books and classrooms, the school website, school promotion; this is common practice in UK primary schools. Names are never associated with individuals. Without this permission children are restricted from taking full part in the life of the school. We follow our safeguarding principles at all times.
Positive Behaviour Management Aims
Our behaviour policy intends to instil and develop positive behaviours related to our values driven curriculum with humble, respectful, grateful people who have courage to take risks, well developed self- discipline and who act with integrity and empathy. We aim for everyone to be included so that everyone sees themselves as part of a happy learning community and part of making the world a better place.
We have very high expectations of our school community’s behaviour and hope to develop children’s understanding of the impact of choices they make, whether positive or negative.
Good behaviour and achievement is not automatically learned. Instead, positive behaviours must be modelled, explained, taught, supported and recognised.
At Avanti Meadows we care for and respect all life-human, animal and plant-and live in a way that causes the least possible harm.
School Expectations
Avanti Meadows Primary School uses the system of ‘Stay on Green’, which is underpinned by our ‘Six Golden Expectations’*. The expectations are designed to focus on positive action (e.g. be safe in school) rather than what children should not do (e.g. do not run). The rules are agreed actions so that there is consistency and fairness in all areas of school life.
However, as an inclusive school we recognise that all children are individuals with specific needs. Therefore, within this consistent approach is an element of flexibility to address the needs of specific children.
Everyone is responsible for behaviour of all children and adults should reinforce the Golden Expectations whenever appropriate.
Golden Expectations
1. | Be kind: think of others and help them |
2. | Be safe: look after yourself and others |
3. | Be respectful: listen carefully and act politely |
4. | Be honest: think before you speak or act |
5. | Be courageous: keep on trying your best |
6. | Be grateful: say ‘thank you’ |
How it works:
- In the class there is a prominent ‘Stay on Green’ display.
- On this display, all children have a pocket with their name on it.
- Each day, children start with a green card in their pocket.
- If children make positive individual choices they are celebrated by placing a bronze, then silver, then gold card with rewards at each level.
- If children make negative individual choices they are warned by placing a blue, then amber, then red card with consequence appropriate to the level of behavior.
- The system allows children to reflect on their actions, attitudes and behaviour; if behaviour
- Change then they can move back towards green.
Educational Visits
We enhance our curriculum by organizing educational visits in the locality and further afield, especially making use of our incredible city. To help fund these visits, which we believe are essential to provide diverse and memorable learning experience we ask for a voluntary contributions from parents. There is no obligation to contribute and no pupil will be restricted from going on a trip. However, in increasingly challenging financial circumstance, if there are insufficient contributions we may have to cancel visits. The school cannot supplement educational visits.
Home Learning
Children are encouraged to pursue their learning out of school; we have a number of expectations:
- Children should be read to every day (by parents, grandparents, cousins, siblings, friends). This could be a favourite story repeated, or a new story. Research shows that telling the same story to children helps builds their literacy.
- Children should read a book every day (EYFS: 10 minutes; Year 1-3 15 minutes). By the age of 10 children are expected to read at least 8 books each month.
- Children should learn Maths facts (timestable off by heart; Number bonds (e.g. 1+9=10, 2+8=10 etc; and number bonds to 20, 50, 100)
- Children should learn sight words.
- Children will be assigned home learning projects each term. These will require children to investigate, research, write, build models, design, think creatively, work with their family.
- Home work sheets are NOT given each week. There is no empirical evidence to suggest that homework sheets impact on children’s understanding.