AST Policies
The policies below apply to all schools that are part of the Avanti Schools Trust family.
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti Bullying & Cyber Bullying
- Bring Your Own Device
- Business Continuity Plan
- Careers Guidance
- Charging and Remissions
- Children educated outside of Chronological Year group
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Children Looked After (CLA)
- Collective Worship
- Complaints Policy
- Data Breach
- Data Protection
- Early Career Teacher (ECT) Policy
- Early Years Foundation Stage – Overall Statement
- Equality
- Home School Agreement
- Health and Safety (Including First Aid)
- ICT Acceptable Use
- Information Security
- Model Publication Scheme (Freedom of Information)
- Online Safety and Remote Learning
- Parent Privacy Notice
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) Curriculum
- Physical Intervention and Reasonable Force
- Pupil Privacy Notice
- Records Management
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Risk Management
- School Behaviour (Behaviour Framework)
- School Exclusions
- Subject Access Request
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
- Uniform
- Vaccination Statement
- Visitors to School Behaviour
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing – Examinations
KAPSH Policies
The key policies from Krishna Avanti Primary School, Harrow which parents/carers should be familiar with are listed below, please click on the policy to find out more details:
Accessibility Plan Action Plan
Admission Policies – see admissions tab
AST Assessment Framework – September 2023
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
SEND and Inclusion Policy and SEND Information Report
All our staff receive training and guidance on the key policies and are expected to model appropriate behaviours and values in keeping with the ethos of the school.