Eco Schools
Krishna Avanti Primary School is an Eco-School. We believe it is important for everyone to learn about climate change and sustainability.
Eco-Schools is an award programme that helps schools become more sustainable.
Sustainable development means thinking about how our choices and actions affect our planet. It also means finding ways to live that don’t create problems for the future, or unfairly affect other people’s lives.
The 9 Eco-schools topics are:
- Water – ways to reducing our consumption (the amount) of water. Effects of water pollution.
- Waste – Reducing first, repairing, re-using and re-cycling.
- Litter – knowing how litter can harm wildlife.
- Biodiversity – Understanding of plant and wildlife.
- Energy – ‘switch on to switching off’ when equipment or lights are not in use. Ways we can cut down on carbon emissions. Understanding of renewable energy sources.
- Global Perspective – being aware of issues in other countries and understanding our link to the rest of the world.
- Transport – exploring ways to travel that cut down our carbon footprint and benefit our health.
- Healthy Living – Adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes physical well-being, healthy eating, understanding and knowing how to deal with our emotions, our level of confidence and outlook on life.
- School Grounds – transforming areas to enable exploration of nature and outdoors learning opportunities.
The Eco Committee monitor each room on a weekly basis to check that lights have been switched off and computer projectors and monitors have not been left running. They collect paper waste from around the school.
Our priorities for this year include aiming for the Eco Schools Silver Award. To achieve this we need to:
- Meet at four times this year
- Complete a formal Environmental Review
- Produce a detailed Action Plan and share with the rest of the school
- Demonstrate progress towards achieving at least two elements of our Action Plan
- Identify our progress towards one large-scale project. Ensure that everyone recognises this projects importance to sustainable development within our school environment and wider community
- Have a prominent notice board, webpage or newsletter detailing our Eco-Schools activities
- Inform parents and wider community about the work being undertaken by us
- We can show that some environmental issues have been covered in most year groups
- Krishna Avanti Primary agrees, adopts and displays an ‘Eco-Code’