Sex and Relationships Policy


The long-term happiness and well-being of every child is at the heart of all that we do. Our intention is that the children of our schools feel prepared, safe and loved. We are committed to promoting pupil well-being through the delivery of an effective sex and relationships education programme. Developing responsible attitudes and behaviour towards sex and relationships, will assist pupils in order to ensure that they stay safe and healthy. Developing a mature and appropriate relationship in line with the distinctive vision of the Trust and its aspirations for all.

Our Policy in this regard is based upon the following principles:

– That all children have the right to feel loved, cared for and valued;

  • –  That self-discipline borne out of personal choice, not repression, is the most appropriate approach. To achieve this, the content of the curriculum may include discussions about responsible sex;
  • –  That the School must engage proactively with parents/carers to ensure that students are not exposed to media (videos, games, images, music etc.) which is detrimental to their well-being and that parents/carers are fully aware of the potential dangers to their children caused by negligence in this regard;
  • –  That sexual relationships constitute only a part of life – not the whole – and should be seen in the appropriate context;
  • –  That there is a sanctity in sexuality when applied responsibly towards procreation and as part of the human spiritual journey;
  • –  That both promiscuity and a preoccupation with the subject are unhelpful and potentially destructive.

Aims and Objectives
The Sex and Relationships education programmes will:

  • Provide pupils with a knowledge base so that they can understand sexual attitudes and behaviour;
  • Help students make informed and responsible decisions related to their sexual well- being;
  • Develop self-esteem in young people as a basis for responsible and caring relationships;
  • help young people to be confident about the physical, emotional and moral aspects of sexual maturity;
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of relevant topics, e.g. male and female puberty, menstruation, contraception, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • To understand that there is a variety of personal relationships and to reflect on the benefits of commitment and stability within relationships, (including non-married committed relationships, same-sex committed relationships etc.); with the prime concern that the children of any relationship should feel perpetually loved, cared for and valued.
  • Allow students to explore moral values and family values;
  • Develop an awareness of the pressures on young people to behave in certain ways

    and to help improve confidence in dealing with such pressures;

  • Develop personal skills and qualities, e.g. listening, questioning, communicating,

    tolerance, empathy;

  • Encourage pupils to talk about sex and relationships with their parents/carers.

    Key Principles

  • Sex and relationships education is delivered through curriculum areas, e.g. Science and Humanities, and through the PSHE programme. The content and methods used are designed to be appropriate to the age and development of the pupils;
  • Staff must be sensitive to religious beliefs and cultural practices;
  • Learning is enhanced using appropriate outside agencies and providers (e.g. theatre groups);
  • Staff will support pupils who seek guidance on particular matters, and will refer them to the inclusion team where appropriate. Where issues of Child protection are raised staff must follow the school policy and procedures for Child Protection and Safeguarding;
  • Where appropriate, parents/carers will be informed when a lesson or series of lessons may cover sensitive issues. Parents/carers will then be made aware of their right to remove their child from such lessons. Parents/carers can only remove their children from the personal and social aspects of the curriculum (learning about respect and respectful relationships) and not the science curriculum which is compulsory (e.g. fertilisation).

    Roles and Responsibilities


  • Monitor and evaluate the Sex and Relationships Education Policy within the context

    of the PSHE programme;

  • Monitor the quality of teaching and learning related to sex and relationships


  • Meet with parents/carers to share curriculum and resources.

    PSHE Lead

  • Develop and ensure that programmes of study cover the required knowledge and

    skill development related to sex and relationships education;

  • Ensure that staff feel supported and have accurate subject knowledge to deliver the

    programme of study;

  • Monitor the quality of teaching and learning;
  • Ensure that the quality of resources are good or better and up dated regularly;
  • Co-ordinate outside agencies to deliver appropriate and relevant topics and

    overseeing arrangements for the relocation of groups.


  • Have an accurate, up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the topics;
  • Set learning objectives and review these within lessons/topics or themes and from

    lesson to lesson;

  • Recognise the different needs of our pupils and set high standards for all learners;
  • Plan effectively across and within the teaching sequence, demonstrating an

    awareness of the need for pace and variety;

  • Plan lessons to support a diversity of learning styles;
  • Help pupils to reflect on their own learning and identify the next steps for


  • Reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and make changes where


  • Create a classroom environment which is conducive to learning and ensure that

    students feel safe when discussing sensitive topics;

• Manage the use of support staff sensitively and effectively.

Support staff

  • Support the class teachers in the delivery of the curriculum;
  • Work flexibly with pupils, as directed by the teacher, taking into account their

    differing needs and chronological/development stages; Pupils

    Pupils should, as they grow and mature, also be prepared to:

  • Reflect on their own learning by setting and reviewing any personal goals or next

    steps to help them achieve to the best of their ability;

  • Develop their confidence in communicating ideas, questioning their own and others’

    ideas and evaluating the strengths of others opinions;

  • Collaborate positively with other pupils and students;
  • Be willing to accept support and encouragement from

    parents/carers/tutors/mentors/outside agencies and other staff;

  • Accept that everyone learns in different ways and at different paces and that we

    should respect and build on these differences.


  • Review the Sex and Relationships Education Policy annually;
  • Monitor the quality and provision of sex and relationships education delivered at the


  • Attend parents’ meetings to support the leadership and management of this area.