Achieving Silver
Strand C: Teaching and Learning for Rights – Participation, Empowerment and Action
The images below are all to do with Strand C of the Rights Respecting School Award. We want our children to be empowered, to enjoy and exercise their rights. The images and pdfs show various events and letters where the children have promoted the rights of others, such as having a good meal; being aware of childhood cancer; and diversity.
Childhood Cancer Day – 15th February
Teaching and Learning for Rights – Participation, Empowerment and Action
Charity Work
Letters to the MP
During Fairtrade Fortnight 2021, KAPSL came together to learn about, and celebrate, the people who grow our food and drink and explore the topic of ‘Climate, Fairtrade and You’. Children had the opportunity to discover how their choices as individuals can make a difference to the lives of people around the world and to the planet that we all share.
International Mother Language Day 2021 Theme: Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritage.
Rights Link: Article 30 Children from minority or indigenous groups.
World Book Day 1st March. World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and is marked in over 100 countries around the globe.
Rights Link: Article 29 Goals of education.
British Science Week 5-14 March 2021.
Link: Article 29 Goals of Education
World Water Day 22nd March 2021. Water is a basic requirement for all life, yet water resources are facing increasing demands from, and competition among, users. Rights Link: Article 24 Health and health services.
Cultural Diversity Day 21st May. The World Day for Cultural Diversity for dialogue and Development aims to encourage people to ‘live together better’. Rights Link: Article 2 Non-discrimination and Article 30 Children from minority or indigenous groups.
Walk to School Week 18-22 May. Walk to School Week is part of the Walk to School campaign, which encourages parents and children to leave the car at home and take the chance to get outside and get fit by walking to and from school. Rights Link: Article 24 Health and health services.
Children in Year 3 and 4 presented to the Year 3 & 4 children in Romanby Primary School in York about ‘What does it mean to be Hindu in Modern Day Britain?’
Heroes Stamp Design Competition
Children took part in honouring the heroes of the pandemic by entering the competition. We had some fantastic designs!
Spirited Arts
This year all children have taken part in the spirited arts competition. Topics included: We have far more in common with each other than that which divides us; Gods Good Earth; Where is God?, Healing, Inspiring.
Identity & Heritage
On Monday, 9th February 2021 was Internet Safety Day. From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns.
At KAPSL, we try to celebrate a range of festivals from different cultures and religions.
We learn how our democratic institutions work, and how to take action for change in our own lives and communities.
KAPSL Sports Week 21st June 2021
Refuge Week 2021