Child Protection and Safeguarding

We follow rigorous guidelines and procedures to ensure the safety of all children (Health & Safety, Child Protection and Risk Assessment). All staff have an up to date and enhanced DBS check. All visitors are required to prove their identity and are accompanied during their visit. Sally Allan (Executive Principal) is the designated teacher for Child Protection and maintains an up-to-date knowledge of legislation and child protection procedures. All staff are given training to raise awareness of safeguarding issues. The school is on a safe site, with restricted access via a buzzer system that is operated by the office staff.

Our Safeguarding Team:

Should anyone have concerns over a child’s safety, it is their responsibility to inform the designated teacher immediately. All concerns are taken seriously and confidentially on a need to know basis.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Avanti Meadows Primary School is Mrs Jennifer Penney

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead At Avanti Meadows is Miss Helen Hibbins

The Designated Teacher for Looked After children at Avanti Meadows Primary School is Mrs Sally Allan

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Out of hours

If you have a concern and the school is not open, please contact the Hertfordshire Council Safeguarding team: 0300 123 4043.

Police 101 or for immediate emergency: 999
FGM – Mandatory reporting Police on 101
Local Authority Designated Officer for Allegations

against staff (LADO)

LADO: Dawn MacDougall

Tel: 07741 500428

Email: [email protected]

Children and Young People with Disabilities 0-25 years 07812 323854.


Operation Encompass is a scheme by which police inform the child’s school soon after a domestic abuse incident has occurred within the family. Children can be significantly physically or emotionally harmed when this is the case and the information received will be used to make sure the right support is available for children and their families. This will ordinarily be done by the start of the next school day.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a specially trained member of the school staff, known as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), is informed. The DSL can then use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to ensure the wellbeing of the child.

The school will be able to make provisions or adjustments to assist for any difficulties experienced by the child or the families involved.

We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this scheme is extremely beneficial for all those involved.