Admission Consultation:
The consultation for the admissions arrangements for Avanti Court Primary School is at the commencement stage – beginning Monday 6th November until 18th December 2023.
In order to fully consult, the admissions authority is required to send information to all stakeholders to enable opportunity for response to the changes, to the arrangements for the school in line with the Schools Admissions Code 2021.
Please click on the link below to view Avanti Court’s Consultation for admission arrangements.
Consultations – Avanti Schools Trust
Are you interested in Applying to Avanti Court Primary School?
Are you interested in applying to Avanti Court Primary School for a place for your child in Nursery or Reception in September? Avanti Court Primary School is an academy free school, and applications for Reception are done solely through London Borough of Redbridge, and for the Nursery are done through the School. If you are thinking about sending your child to Avanti Court Primary School, please enrol to one of our open days