Our vision for educational excellence is one where deeply inspired teachers nurture joyful students and nourish their innate passion for learning. Learning is a quest to discover each student’s unique gifts and potential and lay the foundation for their lifelong journey of learning. This is inseparable from high academic standards, where a challenging holistic curriculum cultivates independently thoughtful and reflective students by working towards a sense of mastery, emphasising depth, and not just breadth.
Teachers and students are inspired and joyful.
There is high-quality dialogue. Students display the ability and willingness to listen to others with an open mind and to speak sincerely, questioning their own assumptions and engaging in empathic dialogue.
There is a culture of intellectual curiosity and continuous professional development, including a focus on connecting research to classroom practice.
Learning is approached by examining the big questions of life in a holistic, values-based and contextualised curriculum to deepen motivation and personal insight.
Long-term student progress at least matches, in broad terms, the best state-funded and private schools in the country.
Students are actively involved in creating their own paths of learning with opportunities for in-depth study of their chosen areas, gaining deeper insight into their interests and abilities.
There is the committed engagement of parents and carers as co-educators.
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