Year 11 Career Fair – 8th October 2024

Pleased to see students of Y10 & 11 joined the Career fair on 8th October 2024. for our Careers Fair where students and parents had the opportunity to speak to many Post-16 providers and employers.

Positive Steps at 16

PS16 – Your Online Careers Gateway.

PS16 is the online college application service that you will be using in Year 11 to apply for college application, links to all local colleges can be found on the PS16 website. If you click on ‘Courses’ and select ‘By Provider’, you will see a list of all of the colleges, sixth form colleges and local training providers. You will also be able to look at college prospectuses for each college. Start looking at what courses are available; you will be given more information about courses and levels during careers sessions. You will be receiving your username and password in October, which will enable you to set up an account.

Careers Quiz – If you are unsure about what you would like to do after you leave school, try this quiz to see the type of job you may be suited to.

Personal Statement Advice – As part of your PS16 college you will have to submit a Personal Statement, this is a chance for you to tell colleges about yourself, click on the attached document to show what information a personal statement should include: writing your personal statement.

Course levels – There are different levels of courses available to you at College or Sixth Form College, the courses that you are able to apply for are based on your predicted grades.