Welcome to the Year 2 classes page. Here you will find information about classroom routines as well as information about what your child will be learning about.

General Information

Who’s Who:

Year 2 Class Teachers: Ms.Solgama & Ms.Hassall

Year 2 Support Staff: Mr.Mockford, Mrs. Gangani and Ms.Raval

P.E and Yoga days: Tuesday & Friday

All children must come to school in their uniform on both P.E and Yoga days.

Daffodil Class: Tuesday & Friday

Tulip Class: Tuesday & Friday

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Home Reading:

Home Reading is an essential part of your child’s learning. It allows them to practise the skills they learn at school in their home environment. Your child will take home a reading book (a book at their reading level) and a book of their choice. Please use the choice book for bed time reading. The reading level book is the book you want your child to practise with. Please complete the home reading log to show how many times you have read with your child at home. Children are encouraged to read at home everyday to build on their fluency.

Books will be changed every Tuesday. Please ensure both books and reading diary are in your child’s bookbag so that they can be changed.

What are we learning about?

This terms topic is : Amazing Africa

Please click on the link below to find out more information about this term:

Autumn 1- Year 2

 Autumn 2 – Year 2

Spring 1 – Year 2

Please click on the Year Two Long Term plan for more information:

Year 2 LTP

The children at Avanti Fields have a structured timetabled which is followed. Please see below an average timetable for the week:

Coming soon

Read, Write Inc

At Avanti Fields School we use the Read Write Inc programme to develop children’s early reading and phonic skills.

Read, Write Inc. (RWI) is a phonics programme written by Ruth Miskin. The RWI programme is designed carefully to help children of all abilities to make rapid progress, as well as allowing us to support you, in fostering a love of reading in your child that will last a lifetime!

At the core of the programme is the lively and vigorous teaching of synthetic phonics. Children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language and how to sound-blend words for reading (decoding) at the same time as developing writing skills and spelling (encoding).

As their confidence in decoding develops they are taught to comprehend and compose ideas for their own writing. The children have the pleasure of reading exciting storybooks perfectly matched to their level – so that they have early success in reading!

For more information and how to support your child on this programme please visit the Read Write Inc parent support site: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/

Discovery Education

At Avanti Fields School we use the Discovery Education, Espresso platform to share information about home learning. Please click on the link below to access this terms assigned learning pad. You will need your child’s Espresso Login details for this.

Espresso Login Link