
School start: 08:00

School end: 14:45

Total time each week: 33.75h

Polite reminder- As an all-through school we have staggered starting and closing times. To avoid large gatherings we ask all parents to follow the timings below for morning and afternoon collections.


KS1 and KS2 children are welcome to enter the school gates from 07:45. Children should arrive between 07:45 and 07:55; As the children enter, they should walk sensibly to class avoiding gathering with others outside. Late children should enter the school via the school office (after 08.00).

EYFS children can be dropped off directly to classrooms from 07:50, when the EYFS gate opens. Children should arrive between 07:50 and 08.00; As the children enter the playground they should be encouraged to walk sensibly inside their cloakrooms.


The school main external gates will open from 14:30. Internal gates will be open from 14:40. Children who are not picked up by 14:45 will be charged for childcare. Please contact the school if you are delayed.

Please note the timings for nursery pupils are slightly different depending on sessions. Please refer to the ‘Avanti Fields school Pre-School welcome’ pack.