
Welcome to the Primary phase curriculum area. As the Head of the Primary Phase I am very pleased to share with you Avanti Fields curriculum approach. As an all-through school we are dedicated to ensure all children at Avanti Fields have the best start to their educational journey developing their; character formation, spiritual insight alongside achieving each child’s individual version of education excellence through inspiring curriculum delivery. Children will develop a love for reading through an exciting curriculum, exposing the children to a range of texts and stories. They will develop and refine their reading skills and through this develop a ‘thirst’ for life- long learning.

Children will go on exciting trips and have visitors in as part of their curriculum experiences. Being part of an all-through school means they will also have access to facilities and expertise in subject domains that will support and enhance their learning experiences. At Avanti Fields children will have access to a fully equipped stage, sports hall, science laboratories and much more!

In this section you can read in more detail about the different educational phases within the primary phase: Early Years, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. Please click on the links below to see how our curriculum develops.

Anita Thakore

Head of Primary