Reading, reading, reading!

At Avanti Fields school we are extremely lucky to have a range of exciting reading areas and opportunities to explore reading in different contexts. We have our whole school library available for all pupils, a primary library with story sacks and a listening station, alongside dedicated reading areas in every classroom.

We encourage all our children to pick up a book and explore the wonders of the world through exciting stories, pictures, and facts! In the primary phase the children have daily storytime, book- led topics and planned sessions to ‘drop everything a read’ where children are encouraged to explore their love for reading.

Read, Write Inc

At Avanti Fields School we use the Read Write Inc programme to develop children’s early reading and phonic skills.

Read, Write Inc. (RWI) is a phonics programme written by Ruth Miskin. The RWI programme is designed carefully to help children of all abilities to make rapid progress, as well as allowing us to support you, in fostering a love of reading in your child that will last a lifetime!

At the core of the programme is the lively and vigorous teaching of synthetic phonics. Children learn the 44 common sounds in the English language and how to sound-blend words for reading (decoding) at the same time as developing writing skills and spelling (encoding).

Click on the link below to access our Set 1 learning video with Miss Savadia and Miss Solgama:

Let’s learn Set 1 sounds! 

As their confidence in decoding develops they are taught to comprehend and compose ideas for their own writing. The children have the pleasure of reading exciting storybooks perfectly matched to their level – so that they have early success in reading!

Please click on the link below to access the titles of books your child will read at school and the associated ‘green’ and ‘red’ words you can help them read.

RWI progression of sounds and words document

For more information and how to support your child on this programme please visit the Read Write Inc parent support site:

Parent guide videos

What is Read, Write Inc?

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

Reading bouncy sounds

Reading stretch sounds

Reading diagraphs

Sound blending


Read for speed- practice reading these words speedily with your child:

Read for speed words

Please click on the story books below to access a story to share with your child today!