Attendance Statement – A note to Parents/Carers

The Importance of Good Attendance

If children do not attend school regularly they will:

  • Experience difficulty in keeping up with their learning.
  • Miss out on a variety of activities.
  • Not be fully prepared for any school tests.
  • Find it difficult to keep their friendships.
  • Begin to lose confidence.

At Avanti House School we expect our children to attend school regularly and we will work with you, to ensure this is the case. We aim to ensure our overall attendance rate is above 98% on a yearly basis and this cannot be achieved unless we work in partnership with one another.


An attendance rate of 90% or above sounds impressive over the year, however, it actually means that your child only attends school 4.5 days out of every 5 days.  If this continues up to the end of secondary school, they will have missed half a school year!    How do you think that will eventually impact on their exam results and their life chances?

What to do if my child is feeling under the weather?

  1. Tell a member of staff if they come into school.
  2. Remember, they may need to visit a doctor if their symptoms are severe or get worse.


Can my child attend school if they are complaining of some common ailments e.g. slight cold or tummy ache?

Have a look at the bottom of this page at the attendance table; there is plenty you can do to prevent both your child and others from becoming unwell.

Attendance rates and the different types of absences are tracked as follows:

School Level: Individual pupils, whole school and different groups of learners
Local Authority Level: Individual schools and comparisons between different schools
Government Level: Individual schools and comparisons between different schools

School Procedures

Punctuality/Late Register

Attendance is regularly monitored at school. Parents/carers will be required to sign a late register if the child arrives late to school. The school will send a letter home if your child is late three times. Regular late attendance will result in a meeting with the Principal if there is no improvement.

Unauthorised Absence

If you know your child is going to be absent from school, for example for a medical or dental appointment, you should inform the school office in advance and complete the required paperwork. You are advised to book appointments out of school hours at the end of your child’s school day or during the school holidays.

If your child is absent from school you must notify the school office by 8.30am on each day of absence, informing us of the reason. For all sickness absences please notify the school either by phone or email. This type of absence is authorised absence.

Parents/carers who are not able to bring their child to school due to personal circumstances, such as illness, will need to make alternative arrangements for dropping off and collecting their children where ever possible. This type of absence will be recorded as unauthorised, unless you have exceptional circumstances.

Permission for Exceptional Leave

Permission for exceptional leave/special leave can only be given under VERY special circumstances. Special leave requests need to be submitted to the Principal in writing PRIOR to making any arrangements. Forms can be obtained from the school office and a decision will be given in writing, as to if this is recorded as authorised or unauthorised absence. HOLIDAYS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN DURING TERM TIME.

Unauthorised Absence is always logged and could result in more formal proceedings being taken and/or meetings with the Principal and an external professional i.e: Educational Welfare Officer.

At Avanti House School we offer guidance and support for parents/carers who are experiencing difficulties with their child’s attendance and this is reflected in our the Home School Books and Pupil Planners.

The school celebrates achievements in attendance rates with the pupils on a regular basis.

Attendance Policy-2023-2024
Harrow AIM Policy

Attendance Table

Question: Can my child attend school if they are complaining of some common ailments e.g. slight cold or tummy ache?

Have a look at the attendance table; there is plenty that parents/carers can do to prevent both your child and others from becoming unwell.

Education Penalty Notices (EPN):

Regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential for pupils to maximise their educational opportunities.

If your child is absent from school, without authorisation from the school you may receive an Education Penalty Notice.


The fine is:

  • £60 if paid within 21 days
  • £120 if paid within 28 days

Information is available on

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