Clubs are a very important part of school and provide wonderful opportunities for the children to learn to play well together as well as important life skills including teamwork, communications, rules and sportsmanship. We offer a wide range of after-school activities, aiming to have something on offer for all year groups at some point during the week.
The updated timetable to run for the Summer term will run from 12th September 2022 until 16th December 2023 (inclusive).
Many of the clubs are free to attend for those that have contributed towards visits – the only condition being smiles, gratitude and respect. Clubs with costs are those that are run by staff employed and paid to be here for the additional time (Mr Jackson). Mr Jackson’s clubs cost £20 for the whole term, regardless of the number of weeks or time of joining.
Please complete the form below. If you wish to make any changes after doing so, you must complete the whole form again and we will then discard earlier submissions.
Places are limited and you will be informed if your child has a place. Those without a place will be placed on a waiting list.
Music Tuition
Music is a hugely valuable activity and Krishna Avanti Primary School offers a range of opportunities.
As well as the usual music lessons that take part for all children as part of the National Curriculum, we have links with various music teachers to enable Key Stage Two children to learn to play an instrument. Instruments currently on offer are: