Achieving Silver
Strand A: Teaching and Learning about Rights
Our Class Charters
The Rights Respecting Warriors held an exciting competition for children to design a mascot that would promote and strengthen our learning as a Rights Respecting School. All entries were amazing!!!
Children voted for the articles and designed their own class charter, which is displayed in the classroom. This helps to make the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) more prominent and relevant.
At Krishna Avanti Primary School, we have an article of the week. We learn about an article and complete a set of activities about that article. Sometimes the article is linked to an special celebrations and what is happening around the world. We also have an article of the month.
Avanti’svirtues of respect, self-discipline, courage, integrity, empathy and gratitude are tangible throughout the curriculum and school life. These hall displays illustrate how the school values link to the rights of a child, and how we apply it to our lives.
All the children in our school were involved in choosing the articles, designing and creating a school charter. It was lots of fun and is placed at the reception area to remind us and our duty bearers of the importance of our rights.
All the displays in our classrooms and around the school are not only a celebration of our learning and achievements but also link to the rights of a child. This helps us connect our learning to the world around us so we can learn how to make a positive difference at school, in our communities and in the world.