School start: 08:00
School end: 14:45
Total number of hours per week 33.75.
The school gates will open at 07:40. Children should arrive between 07:40 and 07:50; As the children enter, they should line up sensibly in their designated areas..
Late children should enter the school via the school office (after 08.00).
Picking children up at the end of the day
We ask that you pick your children up promptly at the end of the day so that teachers are able to continue with their marking, preparation and assessment. Any child not picked up on time will be sent to Library club and will be charged £5.00 per session for every 15 minutes.
If you are unable to pick your child up, please always contact the office giving us information about the person who will pick them up.
Regular Pick up
If another person is going to regularly pick up a child, the parents should notify the password to the person who is picking up your child.