Parent/Carer Consultations
All pupils are assessed regularly through formative i.e. daily/on-going and summative tests i.e. termly and annually. Careful observations and recording of child initiated activities will ensure all aspects of children’s learning are documented. Parents’ Evenings take place every term and this will give you an opportunity for you to talk to your child’s teacher about his/her progress.
A concise written report about your child’s progress will be shared once each term.
Our annual Parent Questionnaire is available throughout the school year from the beginning of October. The results from this questionnaire help us to focus on areas for improvement and to feedback specifically on the views of our parents. Please visit the Parent Questionnaire page of our website.
Parents/Carers in Class
At Krishna Avanti Primary School, we work very closely and in partnership with parents/carers. We welcome parental contributions such as the sharing of a language, making presentations and suggesting ideas for topics or supplying resources. We also welcome parents that are able to give up their time to come and support learning in the classes, to add capacity to the team, listen to readers and work with groups of children. For our parents to work alongside the children in the class can be a great inspiration and social development.
Communication and Relationships
Building effective communication channels with our parents and establishing positive relationships is key to our everyday practice. Weekly letters from the Principal act to ensure that parents remain fully informed of any school developments. We actively encourage face to face communications with all parents and encourage partnership working by offering regular Workshops for Parents; Coffee Mornings; and the bespoke communication forms allows the parents to reach the right member of staff at a time that is convenient for them.
Home Learning
Opportunities to carry out research on a particular topic will foster an inquisitive mind whilst promoting research skills. Home learning topics and work is set using our Cornerstones curriculum, with weekly opportunities to read and practise work learnt at school. Our bespoke Home / School Link Book includes various resources, including tips for reading.
We use Google Classroom for regular work both at home and at school.
Research has shown that accelerated learning takes place when parents are actively involved with the education of their child. We encourage you to work together with your child to promote interest and enjoyment.
You can help your child develop reading skills at home by:
- Spending five to ten minutes each day on reading
- Allowing your child time to self-correct
- Acting as a model by reading some of the text and then asking the child to participate
- Encouraging your child to make predictions about the story
- Asking open and closed questions about events, illustrations, characters and settings
- Creating story boxes using small toys and objects for retelling stories
- Playing word games
- Acting out stories
- Using your local library for homework and research
- Showing your child that you enjoy reading