Krishna Avanti Primary School is a ‘good’ schoolWe are a school that know ourselves well with a thorough understanding of our strengths and areas for development, which provide a robust foundation for outstanding school improvement. This is a good school because:Pupils have a good start in EYFS with good and improving outcomes across the primary phase, considering disruption due to COVID. Core subjects like math and writing are well embedded. A huge focus over the last half term has been on the redesign of the foundation subjects ensuring cumulative knowledge and skills progression that builds on prior learning for all learner groups. The support for the improvement of the quality of teaching through the school and wider Trust CPD programme is good and improving and the quality of learning is good in the majority of lessons. Leaders have a clear vision and the ambition to achieve the identified school priorities by a systematic and rigorous focus bringing about substantive and sustained improvements in progress and outcomes for pupils. There is a strong ethos in the school, outlined in the Avanti Way. Personal development opportunities are wide and varied through our extensive extracurricular offer, student leadership opportunities and festival days. We are not yet outstanding because:KS2 SATs results in math and Phonics Screening in year 1 are significantly lower than the school’s historical trajectory and performance. Reading and writing in KS1 and Year 3 is below expectations. A huge emphasis has been placed on reading in the former years. The curriculum redesign is still in its infancy so time is needed to ensure that these subjects are securely and consistently embedded across the school and, once available, delivered from EYFS to Year 6. Subject leadership has been reinvigorated across the school and time is needed to implement the planned CPD and systems to ensure that the curriculum is monitored effectively (using the co-designed monitoring framework). This will ensure teachers have a firm understanding of the curriculum and it is implemented effectively to have the maximum impact on learning, retention of knowledge and progression. SEN pupils need to achieve more consistently well in all year groups. |
School Development Priorities – 2022 to 2023
To be published soon