Our Rights Respecting School

Achieved December, 2020
We want Krishna Avanti Primary School to be a safe and inspiring place for our children to learn. Our school’s six values sit very well with the aims of UNICEF and the Convention on the rights of the child – a school where children are respected and their different interests and talents nurtured enable them to live the best life is possible and in turn help the world to be a better place.
At Krishna Avanti Primary School we have been working hard so that all of our children and staff know about the rights of the child and in doing so we are pleased to have been awarded the bronze status of a Rights Respecting School. Our journey for the silver accreditation has now begun. For this we will be guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
As a school we are really proud because the Award recognises our achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.
I’m really pleased that our children care about other children in this country and the whole world. As future leaders, I hope they go on to make a great difference to all.
Being a rights respecting school warrior it’s lots of fun. You have to remember lots of things but it’s very important so that we can help lots of people with their rights.