It has been a positive first week back and we are all set for the clubs which will start next Monday. Apologies for the change needed to Year 2 clubs with limited numbers in one case and a change of day for another. I am sure you understand that we only make such changes where necessary and find the need to do so somewhat frustrating also. That aside, we are pleased to be offering so much and I am sure you appreciate the staff giving their time to do so.
Lunch Bookings and Payments
A reminder to all that lunch bookings should be made by 07:00 each Thursday to ensure your child gets their preferred option. We will always try to help where you miss the deadline but will never guarantee this, so please do take the time in advance to make the bookings. Please make sure you book and where needed, top up your balances in Arbor. We currently have £144.30 owed for lunches, a rise from last week’s £31.50 – please ensure payments are made to avoid the need for children to be picked up for the duration of lunch next week.
Year 4 Rugby with Leicester Tigers and NBS
The Year 4 children have enjoyed their first session courtesy of Leicester Tigers and the Nottingham Building Society. The children will take part in five sessions led by one of the Leicester Tiger’s community coaches.
Parent Questionnaire Updates
The Parent Questionnaire link is still there if you have not yet submitted a response. is still available. So far we have had 99 submissions. If you haven’t completed it, please do. We also have the external 360 Reviews which allow you to focus on specific areas. I hope this is useful.
Comment/Query: I feel my child needs more support with there homework. I understand there’s a lot being asked from the teachers by social distancing and teaching all the students. But I feel my child isn’t getting much support with there homework, there is always room for improvement. If there’s after classes to support with homework or improve where they are falling behind that would something good offered by the school if it’s possible.
Response: We are currently working on homework as mentioned in a previous communication. Very soon we will be inviting parents to let us know how pre-learning works and various options available to make homework are worthwhile and beneficial part of what we do.
Comment/Query: More face to face/video answers to concerns rather than replying by email: Face to face video is possible where required. If issues can be resolved via email, it can save time but if specific, please share and we can discuss.
Response: I very much hope our reasonably new weekly sessions via zoom answer this. We started these during Covid but are continuing them so that you may link up every Monday. We appreciate the time may not suit everybody but this is an additional opportunity to join us for an informal discussion on any subjects required.
Jamie Knight – Freestyle Footballer
I am pleased to announce that freestyle footballer Jamie Knight will be returning for a visit on Wednesday and Thursday next week. Jamie was with us one year ago in March where he worked with every class. and provided an after school Masterclass. Jamie is a top 10 in the world freestyle footballer who has worked and performed in over 30 countries at some of the world’s most prominent and watched events.
All children across the whole school will have the opportunity to watch Jamie performing some of his amazing skills and to have a go themselves. Jamie is also offering a special 1-hour workshop for 30 pupils after school – more details to follow on Monday.
Mrs Tank’s News
Mrs Tank gave birth to a baby girl yesterday. Many congratulations to her and the family.
The Krishna Avanti Podcast
Our latest podcast can now be accessed via the website by clicking here.