It has been a busy week at school and wonderful to see the children enjoying the school field now some better weather is here. It is also very pleasing to have welcomed Football Freestyler, Jamie Knight back to complete some sessions with all children in their bubbles. Slowly and safely getting some visits going again for the children is quite simply great!
Design a Mascot for the Rights Respecting Warriors
The Rights Respecting Warriors are holding an exciting and brand new competition for all children to take part in. The aim is to design a mascot that will promote and strengthen our learning as a Rights Respecting School. Children will need to use creative flair.
The design must be submitted on A4 paper, using as many materials and colours as your heart desires, representing the Rights Respecting values and the articles. Completed designs need to be handed to the child’s teacher by Tuesday, 4 May 2021. Have fun designing and let your creativity go wild!
Marble Run Winners
Thank you very much to everybody that entered the marble run competition. The entries were absolutely fantastic and the design and attention to detail was wonderful to see. The winners were based on the length of the run with the marbles continuing along it and are as follows:
Foundation Two – Raghav-Ram Radia
Year 1 – Shreya Tank
Year 2 – Riya Kumar
Year 3 – Ishaan Taylor
Year 4 – Kush Popat
Year 5 – Aarya Patel
Year 6 – Anay Pisavadia
Due to the number of fantastic entries, there were also a number of runners up who receive medals so well done to everybody.
Residents and cars
A resident has requested I kindly remind parents not to move the stones that have been placed on grass verges to prevent inconsiderate parking. This resident has placed stones for their elderly neighbour who is getting distressed with the grass verges being parked on and damaged. As a school Principal, it is a real shame that I need to spend time speaking to residents on negative manners and have the schools values consistently questioned. I would much rather spend the time working with various children. This particular parent is reportedly the driver of a silver Toyota with the registration number, AV11 PCF.
Parent Questionnaire Updates
The Parent Questionnaire link is still there if you have not yet submitted a response it is still available. So far we have had 106 submissions. If you haven’t completed it, please do. We also have the external 360 Reviews which allow you to focus on specific areas. I hope this is useful.
Comment/Query: I strongly believe that the spiritual education has fallen behind expectations……….. Classroom deities are not being looked after, it is the responsibility of the PRE to set the example and teach how to look after the deities, if this is not possible why not having pictures instead? Those deities can be either sold, or given away to qualified worshipers, deities are not dolls.
Response: The spiritual insight is a very important and one of the three pillars. Whilst Covid has interrupted and had an impact on a great deal of what we do, it is temporary. That however does not mean our work stops. Staff very much embrace and support the culture and regular Ethos training, as well as informal discussions, questions and more, ensure the faith and spiritual insight is very much a strong part of the school. Statements about deities not being looked after are quite concerning and certainly untrue – we would be very interested to understand where this perception has come from.
Focus on…
The 25th Focus on… Kahoot is complete. Well done to all that made it to the podium. Aarya from Year 5 Turtles finished on top. View the animated podium by clicking here.
Thank you very much for your continued support.