Welcome to Year 1 – Doves and Parrots

  • The two Year 1 teachers for the 2018-2019 academic year are:

    • Miss Raja (Doves)
    • Miss Solanki (Parrots)


    Homework will be uploaded to this page each Friday and is to be handed in by the following Wednesday for it to be marked. Homework is an important part of school life but it should not be taking over life out of school!

    At Krishna Avanti Primary School we expect the children to come to school and work hard. As long as they do that they should be able to go home and do a little homework each week (up to one hour) and enjoy being a child – playing and learning other things through play! Some children do of course really enjoy writing and doing mathematics and other ‘academic’ things and in these instances, they may wish to spend hours and hours studying and doing homework.

    If your child has worked hard at school, any homework given that takes more than one hour may be left (if you so wish). In addition to the homework, children will have spellings to learn, books to read and times-tables to learn.


    Reading books will be changed once a week. Your child will bring 2 books to read over the week. Please ensure that your child’s reading record is signed in order for their books to be changed.  Books are changed during a guided reading session everyday. You have all now received a note stating what day your child will be changing their book and usually be heard read by a member of staff. Reading books will still need to be in school everyday.


    Spellings will be given every Friday to learn at home. We will be testing you on these spellings every Friday. You will receive a slip if your child has achieved under half marks to inform you of their progress and your child will be retested the following week. Please note spellings are given according to what phonics group your child is in. If not sure please ask your child who their phonics teacher is, as the spelling sheet states the teachers name on it.

    Physical Education

    Doves have Physical Education every Wednesday and Thursday.

    Parrots have Physical Education every Wednesday and Thursday.

    Both classes will also need their PE kits for Yoga on Tuesdays.

    All children must have their PE kits in school and wear appropriate clothing during the lessons, including their house tee-shirt.

    Jewellery is not permitted! Any jewellery which is not removed must be taped up.

    All classes will need their indoor Physical Education kit . Children may keep their indoor Physical Education kits at school throughout the school term.

    General Information

    Water bottles must be brought to school every day – keeping hydrated helps concentration and learning.

    Common Exception words (in the past known as high frequency words)

    These are words all children in year 1 are expected to read and write!

    This week we will be giving you words to practise with your child.

    The teachers will test the first 100 words during next term at anytime.

    Fun ways to practise with children:

    1: concentrate on 10 words at a time. when the child can read and write the first 10, then move on.

    2. write words on bigger paper, hide around the house child find them.

    3. put all the 10 words across the garden/park/room. child runs to the card picks the first one and reads and writes it

    4. How many can the child read in a minute?

    5. Child and you have a set each, play snap with the words. Who is the fastest to read them?


    Children are expected to learn and know all of their times tables as soon as possible. Even though we focus on the 2, 5 and 10 tables in year 1 if your child knows them all in and out of  speed, then challenge your child to know the rest. i.e 3 and 6 tables

    Top Tips

    Due to the National Phonic screening test your child will under take in June. It is important that your child knows all the sounds and can read real and nonsense words up to phase 5. Please talk to your class teacher for further information or help. To help your child at home have a go at using the following websites

    Mr Thorne does Phonics. Mr Thorne has many videos to teach children about new sounds in a fun way.


    Jolly phonics on you tube is a great website to learn new sounds from phase 2 to 5 with songs and actions.


    Phonics play is a great website for children to play games and learn at the same time. Some games you have to pay for, so use the free ones available!


    Twinkle is a great website for you to download resources for different sounds especially reading nonsense words.


    The following website takes you through all the sounds helping you to pronounce them correctly.


    Phonics Screening Test

    Below is a link to make your own phonics screening tests in less than a minute.

    It is free to register with an email.

    Choose which graphemes your child is struggling on

    Print read and have fun!


 E Safety

We will be learning how to keep safe when using the  internet at home and at school. Click on the link below to reinforce this at home with your child by watching the video clips of Kara and the smart crew.