It is always really beneficial to share progress and attainment with you during Parents’ Evenings. We are pleased with the positive attitudes of the children and this has helped them get back to where they should be, or close to it if not yet. We have one more week until the half-term break. 

Restorative Practice – Building Relationships, Improving Behaviour and Creating Stronger Communities

Sharing the thinking of the book amongst staff is not only enjoyable, but also challenging thinking, positively. We talk a lot about opportunities for the children and the past year has been a real challenge for us when we want to provide opportunities that we have to hold back on – we hope this will soon change. Recently we have revisited the fact that perception is reality. How we see things, for us, is how it is. We must respect that and connect, communicate and listen to understand. That way our perspectives can be better aligned. 

Lunch and Payments 

We currently have £117.10 owed for lunches, a change from last week’s £58.90. Please ensure payments are made to avoid the need for children to be picked up for the duration of lunch next week.

Parent Questionnaire Updates 

The Parent Questionnaire  link is still there if you have not yet submitted a response it is still available. So far we have had 110 submissions. If you haven’t completed it, please do. We also have the external 360 Reviews which allow you to focus on specific areas. I hope this is useful.

Comment: Homework – I personally don’t feel my son is challenged enough with homework. They are very capable children and I’m not sure it is tailored enough for them to be able to express themselves fully. 

The comments are ultra critical but I hope constructive feedback to consider for the future. 

Overall my children love coming to school, are thriving and doing exceptionally well and am very proud of their progress and pleased for all of the opportunities they are given.

Thank you to all the staff and keep up the good work.

Response: We are working on how we use homework with opportunities for the children to research and prepare for the lessons coming up. This will mean work is not set and children will have the freedom to push themselves and the expectation of challenging themselves. Basically, homework is there to prepare for future work and be ready, not test knowledge. We are grateful for all feedback, listen and reflect. 

Comment: KAPS Leicester have taken to Google classroom really well. Mr Kite and team have been very clear and supported the children to understand and use the technology in a way that is truly inspiring. 

The use of fridge ring devices over home provisions and supporting hardware for those who need it is brilliant and effective. Very well done!

Response: Thank you for the positive feedback.


We are excited to announce the first Krishna Avanti Primary School Town Hall event which will take place on Tuesday, 22 June 2021 from 17:00 to 19:00. This is a fantastic opportunity to receive and discuss the information from the Avanti Schools Trust parent, pupil and staff surveys which took place in November. Please register for the event by clicking here. 

This collaborative event invites us to show gratitude for the areas of excellence that our school has maintained, as well as allowing us to work together to prioritise actions that can further improve educational excellence, character formation and spiritual insight.


We hope that you, and your children, will be able to attend. Further details regarding this event will be communicated after the Half-Term break. We look forward to working with such a strong community to continue to provide a learning environment that allows pupils to grow intellectually, morally and spiritually.

Calendar Dates

All dates are on the website calendar which you can see by clicking here.

Focus on…

The 29th Focus on… Kahoot is ready to play.  Click here to have a go. 

Thank you very much for your continued support.