Dear Parents

The fourth week is now complete and various aspects of school are going really well. Despite the challenge of Covid19, we have managed to keep going with very little disruption and only one class needing to self-isolate and work from home. I am very pleased that they are due to return on Monday.

Social Distancing for Covid19 and Covid19 Procedures

There is quite a lot of press currently with a rising number of cases across the country and the difficulties for people trying to keep going. This is something that we all need to be mindful of and do everything we can to protect ourselves, our children and those we share space with. As a reminder, can I ask that you make time to read The Procedure document on our website. This document is not an optional set of suggestions, it is a set of rules for the safety of all. Sadly, this morning one parent felt the need to confront another because they had disregarded the one-way system. The incident was unfortunate and sadly witnessed by some of our children. To the overwhelming majority that follow the procedures; and the many of you whom have gone out of your way to let us know it is working very well, thank you. This point is very important as we fight against Covid19 and those that sadly lose their lives to it due to those that disregard it.

Arbor Payments

The Arbor app should now be working and the payments module ready. If you have not yet made payments, please do so as soon as possible. We appreciate that you may well have been waiting for our confirmation that it is ready – this is it. We will have a look towards the end of next week and remind those with amounts outstanding. Thank you to everybody for being patient as we switch to this new system. If unsure where to access it, we will go over it in next Thursday’s Coffee Morning (via Zoom – invitation to follow).


Again, I have received communications from local residents about parking across drives. One of the latest mentioned is a red BMW with the registration plate CT11EPI. If this is you, the residents are sharing your details, so please do not block other people’s drives. Incidents such as these cause understandable annoyance and can lead to prosecutions.

Parents’ Evening

I trust you are all set for next week’s parents’ evenings and having your child’s books at home all night was useful. When you join the meeting next week, please change your name to display your child’s – this will help the teacher know who to admit when your time slot is due to start. WIth regards attendance and current judgements, please do not be alarmed with the current statements. Due to lockdown we have had to make some judgements that may be cautious. This is why we have added the target section, so you know where we are aiming to be come the end of the year. That target is of course changeable for those children who achieve them sooner.

Thank you as always for your support. Have a great weekend. Yours sincerely

Mr Kite Principal