We have some of the usual topics to update you on but an important point that needs mentioning, from misunderstandings we have heard regarding Avanti Fields School, when it moves to its permanent site in Hamilton. 

Our school, Krishna Avanti Primary School, will remain here at Spencefield Lane and continue as we do. Whilst we are part of the same Trust and work together, children here will continue here. Krishna Avanti Primary School is one school and Avanti Fields School is another. 

For parents who will be applying for a Foundation Two school place in the future, a choice will need to be made as to whether the preferred school for your child at primary level is Krishna Avanti Primary School or Avanti Fields School.  I hope that makes sense and avoids any misunderstandings. If you have any questions about this, please do ask.  

Remote Learning Support and Critical Worker Bookings

The number of bookings this week has been a steady 70 children (approximately) which is  within our capacity. Thank you to those that are keeping their children at home, where you are able to do so. Please also try to drop the children off for 8 o’clock and pick them up at 2:45. Where you are a critical worker who needs to be later, we will help but that should only be if it is not avoidable. 

A reminder that we are here to help if we can. Please do fill in the form if you need any support: Remote Learning Support.

If you would like to book a dinner takeaway, please do so using the following link: Dinner Takeaway Booking

There have been some issues with the website this week so I thought I would include direct links to the three forms. The school app has direct links to the forms too.

If you have the School App, the buttons go straight to the form, not via the website.

This week a couple of the live sessions were interrupted due to circumstances beyond our control. It may have been and overload due to so many people on the Internet; the weather; or something else. If this does ever happen during the live sessions please do not worry. Your child should be able to access the work via Google classroom and continue without the live session.

Parent Questionnaire Updates 

Our Parent Questionnaire  is still available. So far we have had 90 submissions. If you haven’t completed it, please do. We also have the external 360 Reviews which allow you to focus on specific areas. I hope this is useful. 

Updates on feedback and questions…

    • The school has dealt very well under the constant pressures and changes. I do feel that homeschooling is as effective as it can be however as a full time working parent I do struggle to monitor how well my child is doing on a frequent basis. It would be very helpful if at all possible for the class teacher to give some feedback on a weekly/fortnightly basis on how well my child is doing and where they can see signs of struggle. It would help parents focus on those areas and I think as working parents it means we don’t feel overwhelmed with the amount of help they may need. Can focus on a small area. I will ask my child to show me what they’ve done. I’m shown a few times and other times they’ve already submitted it. If this is possible then I am sure many parents who struggle to sit down with their children for lengthy amounts of time will greatly appreciate the feedback. Doesn’t have to be detailed just brief that we can follow.
    • Feedback should be given with all of the work, apart from the new Friday afternoon text challenge. We are learning as school staff, about the various tours available with Google classroom for marking, feedback and assessment. This should very soon be obvious if it isn’t already. 
    • For those parents that are finding it to struggle to sit down with the children and help them with their work, please do not worry about that. We are very aware that homeschooling is extremely difficult and it is not our expectation that you work with your child during  homeschooling in the same way that we would work with your child at school. 
    • I would like all of our parents to remember that these are very difficult times and by being realistic and kind to ourselves we will get through it. This is the same for all children across the world, I imagine, so the worry that children will be falling behind or you’re the only person struggling is not something you are alone with. We will get the children back to where we would like them to be. Take some comfort from the new skills they are currently learning and their increased ability to adapt. 

Parents’ Evening

This term’s Parents’ Evenings are next week, on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th of January. There is still time to book. If you have not already booked, please do so by clicking here.

Acceptable Use Agreement

Each year we want to update our records and with the current situation it is very important that parents and children understand and agree to the acceptable use agreement with regards the technology that we use. 

I would be very grateful if you could complete the Acceptable Use Agreement by clicking here. It will confirm that you have read and discussed what it means to be safe online. It also means we can update our records with regards to children able to be photographed and filmed for various publications. By completing this as soon as possible, it will help the school when such opportunities arise.

Physical Workout with Mr Jackson 

Next Friday we will be starting our physical work out for the parents. This will be a live session at 10 o’clock each Friday via Zoom (also recorded for anybody that would like to take part later on). We are keen to make sure we try to offer something for the parents as well – appreciate it is very difficult at the moment and hope this small offering will help. The Zoom link will be sent out early next week.

Tech Challenge

Today’s tech challenge. Please do continue to explore it with your child: 

Submitting Work:

    • Explore different ways that you can submit work in Google Classroom. We are interested to learn good tricks for working with a PDF and submitting it into Google Classroom. 
    • Explore Kami (see www.kamiapp.com). Is this a good solution?
    • Be prepared to explain to your classmates and teacher what works well. 

The Krishna Avanti Podcast and Focus on… 

Our latest podcast can now be accessed via the website by clicking here. This week’s episode includes an interview with some children about remote learning and how it is going.  

This week’s Focus on… quiz is over, having had 151 players. You can see the podium by clicking here.

Take care and stay safe. 

Mr Kite
