Principals Update

Today all of our staff have been attending a Trust-wide INSET day. It has been a very informative day with a variety of speakers from Sir David Carter to Mary Myatt to school colleagues sharing their experiences and developments within their schools. INSET training days are hugely important to the education profession as it allows us to take time to reflect on our practice and enhance the provision we provide for your children.

Yesterday was a wonderful show of school community for our Diwali festival day. Thank you to Mr Gajjar and the PRE team for leading on the day. I often try to avoid drawing comparisons between Avanti Fields and Avanti House, however, I couldn’t help but make one yesterday. The large percentage of students who chose to come in traditional and celebratory clothes was overwhelmingly positive (and so much more than I’ve ever seen at AHSS…). The participation in the worship hall activities and the garba was fantastic to see. I loved how the video prepared by Mr Gajjar drew on the various contributions to Diwali and how it might be celebrated in other religions.

Miss Patel has kindly shared two reflective pieces written by our Year 11 students on the meaning of Diwali – please do take the time to read them.

Diwali Reflection – Shivani Kandoi

Diwali reflection – Miraya Gadhia

Inviting primary parents into the school was a huge success and will become a regular staple to our provision and offer. Their engagement in their child’s learning with a Diwali focus has showcased the exceptional start our youngest students have made. You can visit our Facebook page to see some of their activities:

We truly and earnestly demonstrated our inclusive nature – we walked the walk to match the talk!

Thank you to our Nursery colleagues who will be in next week to provide the 38 week provision required for the free childcare funding. Your dedication to the students is appreciated. For the rest of the school, we begin our October half-term holidays and look forward to welcoming your children back on Monday 31st October.

Miss V Bardsley

Hanuman Chalisa

Many of you will have already seen the posters and social media posts about our upcoming major event – Hanuman Chalisa & Bhajans on Saturday 5th November 2022.

It’s arguably our biggest annual function in the PTFA Calendar and brings together the entire school community for an afternoon of devotion, fun and fund-raising. We’re looking forward to seeing you all there. The programme starts promptly at 1pm, and Prashad (lunch) will be served from 12.30pm onwards.

ATTENDANCE – Please click here to use the online form to register your attendance.
While entry is FREE, we need to have names and guest numbers registered in advance due to school and PTFA policies and
procedures. This also helps us in catering for the right amount of people on the day. Please use the main school entrance.

Hanuman Chalisa Letter 2022

Hanuman chalisa poster

Sports Updates

Netball Success

A huge well done to our year 8 netball team with their two out of four wins in the East Leicester Netball Tournament. The girls have improved since last year and I am proud of their efforts and the wins. They always turn up to netball training and their hard work has paid off. A big well done to Sia R-T who was our player of the match – she showed excellent sportsmanship by playing out of position after another player gained an injury and she really demonstrated her excellent shooting skills as GS, she even surprised herself. Also, a mention to our other two shooters, Danisha D and Tanvi B who scored us many goals between them.

Year 9 Football

Yesterday afternoon the year 9 football team travelled to Judgemeadow to take part in their first competitive fixtures of the season. A tournament was arranged whereby the team would play 4 x 20 minute matches and our first opponents were the home team. A dominant performance saw us triumph 3-0 with the home team hardly escaping from their own half and Yuvraj Singh left a bystander able to watch and enjoy the quality of our possession based play.

Straight on to City of Leicester who were also dismissed this time 4-0 and then a tougher match against Moat which was also a clean sheet win, this time 2-0.

Our last game against Crown Hills was forfeited because they said they needed to get back to their school but we think it was because they did not want to face the might of Avanti Fields.

All in all we were by far the best side on show and fully deserved to progress to the next set of matches. It would be wrong to single players out as the results were genuinely team performances but Yuvraj Singh must be congratulated for coping very well with having nothing to do.

Well done to all the year 9 boys and bring on the next game.

Energy Quest

This week the whole of year 7 took part in our annual Energy Quest workshop. Energy Quest is a curriculum-linked programme that encourages students to find out all about sustainable energy. Students also had the opportunity to explore careers associated with engineering. The workshop developed by EngineerUK was delivered by an external presenter. We were lucky to be supported by Shell UK who funded the event. Our students had a brilliant time, they were inquisitive engaged and well behaved. The presenter was in awe with how well our students interacted and displayed our core principles and values.

Quotes from year 7 students.

“It was interesting and taught us what to do if we get lost and do not have any supplies.”

“It was really fun and we learnt how to use new equipment, such wires and metals with an orange and a chocolate wrapper to make voltage to charge a mobile phone. I would recommend this to next year’s Y7.”

Contacting the School

Communications – Wherever possible please use the contact form on our website to get in touch. This is detailed on the website at The appropriate member of staff will pick up the message and get back to you as soon as possible.


To report an absence to the school, parents should contact us by 8:00am (primary) and 8.30am (secondary) 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 326 6813 (Option 1 to leave a voicemail) 

Please remember to state your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. If your child is unwell, please could you give a brief description of the symptoms. 

All education research highlights how crucial it is to a child’s academic progress and wellbeing they attend school , on time, all of the time. Therefore, a reminder that it is important that families organise events or holidays outside of school time to ensure that their child is at school as often as possible.   

The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer at LCC, and we do seek to ensure that any requests for authorised absence are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, in a sensitive manner. However, the school can never authorise a family holiday or a trip abroad to visit family members during term time.   

This academic year, families will have two weeks at the October half-term, three weeks at Christmas and two weeks at Easter for extended family holidays. Please do ensure that if booking holidays, they fall within the holiday periods.