Principals Update

A very warm welcome back to the Spring term – and what a way to start will all that snow on Monday morning! I hope that families and pupils had a chance to recharge the batteries and are ready for an exciting term ahead.

We are excited to share that later this month we will be launching the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award to our Year 9 pupils. Mr Khabra has worked tirelessly to have the school as an accredited provider. While the DofE is typically run in an academic year (September to July), we will be running the Award over two terms and throughout the summer holidays, to then plan the expedition for the Autumn term of Year 10. Year 9 parents – please look out for further information in the last week of January.

Calendar Updates

Secondary Calendar

  • Monday 13th January: Reading Rampage launch & events
  • Monday 13th January: Y11 GCSE Drama- NEA Exam
  • Thursday 16th January: Y7 Exclusive MUGA Day

Primary Calendar

  • Tuesday 28th January: Parents Consultation evening
  • Thursday 30th January: Parents Consultation evening

Winter Water Safety 

Primary News

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your littles ones have had a wonderful Christmas break filled with love, fun and laughter. As we begin the new year together, I want to first of all thank you all for working in such close partnership with the school and the teachers who teach your children to ensure personal growth and challenges are met with positivity from all the pupils at Avanti Fields.

As we start our Spring term, I want to remind all parents of the amazing elements of learning you can be continuing to do at home to support your child:

Reading resources:

Access reading resources on our school website and learning more about how to support your child at home with phonics and spelling: We are readers – Avanti Fields School


Discovery Education, Espresso- Log in to Espresso, explore the site and the learning boards

Half termly learning- Access half termly outlines which support with learning at home: Pre-school – Avanti Fields School


Discovery Education, Espresso- Log in to Espresso, explore the site and the learning boards

Half termly learning- Access half termly outlines which support with learning at home: Reception – Avanti Fields School

Home reading- Listen to your child read at home at least 3 times a week and log in their diary. Access RWI e-books online and read to your child daily to encourage their love for reading.

Oxford owl login

Build their read for speed by learning 5 words speedily at a time using the RWI PowerPoint: read for speed words.pptx

Year 1:

Discovery Education, Espresso- Log in to Espresso, explore the site and the learning boards

Half termly learning- Access half termly outlines which support with learning at home: Year 1 – Avanti Fields School

Home reading- Listen to your child read at home at least 3 times a week and log in their diary. Access RWI e-books online and read to your child daily to encourage their love for reading.

Oxford owl login

Build their read for speed by learning 5 words speedily at a time using the RWI PowerPoint: read for speed words.pptx

My Maths- access bi-weekly my maths homework and explore the platform for over-learning of maths

Year 2:

  1. My Maths Online: This will allow children to continue developing their mathematical understanding with engaging, interactive tasks.
  2. Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar (SPAG) on Espresso online: This additional task will support the mastery of essential language skills.
  1. Discovery Education, Espresso- Log in to Espresso, explore the site and the learning boards
  2. Home reading- Listen to your child read at home at least 3 times a week and log in their diary. Access RWI e-books online and read to your child daily to encourage their love for reading. Oxford owl login. Build their read for speed by learning 5 words speedily at a time using the RWI PowerPoint: read for speed words.pptx

Alongside this there will also be the Half termly learning which support with learning at home: Year 2 – Avanti Fields School

Peter Pan comes to Avanti Fields!

We had a wonderful start to the term with the school Panto, Peter Pan. The children were really engaged with the experience and walked away inspired and smiling!


Spring and Summer experience events

 Dear Parents and Carer,

I want to first of all thank you all for supporting with funding the Autumn experience events for our pupils. These funds really do help bring the curriculum to life!

Moving forward, we have now pulled together the experience events for the remainder of the academic year and would be grateful for your continued support in helping fund these events. These events include visitors in, trips and workshops. The PTFA have kindly supported these events by making a lump sum donation to lower the overall cost per pupil, I would like to thank the PTFA for this contribution and their continued support with the Primary here at Avanti Fields.

Payments can be made via parent pay and we are encouraging all donations to be in by 17th January.

Please note: These events are planned in advance in the hope that we have enough parental support to help with funding these events. Unfortunately, if contributions are low, we may have to cancel some of the paid events.

Kindest regards

Ms Thakore


Parents evening:

Parents evenings will take place on the 28th January and 30th January.

We have decided to have our parents’ evenings face to face so that you can see your child’s learning environment and some of their pieces of work.

Each parents meeting will last no longer than 10 minutes to ensure everyone gets the same amount of time. The parents evening meeting will cover the following-
How has your child has progressed since the last meeting?
What have we noticed they are excelling in?
What are your child’s next steps and how you can support this at home?

Please click on the link below to book in a slot by Wednesday 22nd January 2025. Primary-parent-evening-spring-2024-25/

We wated to thank you from the steering group run by Ms. Savaida for all your support with food donation drive! A total of 411 items have been received which makes a difference to many families before and after Christmas! We donated all goods to the Open Hands Compassion Centre in Leicester.

Pre-school: In Pre-school we have been reading The very hungry caterpillar. We have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly through actions and sequencing pictures. We have loved building, creating and collaborating in our new construction areas and working in our new role play areas, starbucks and costa! 

Reception: This week in Reception, we have been creating and painting our own minibeasts. We have been rolling and moulding the clay to do this!

Year 1:  This week Year One have been learning to retell the Cinderella story. We have been learning to adapt the story by using interesting verbs. In science, we have been learning about identifying materials different objects have been made from.

Year 2: This week Y2 are diving into their new theme, Africa! They’ve already discovered so many amazing facts, observed various fruits up close, and discussed how to tell ripeness straight from the tree! Tasting fresh passion fruit juice was the highlight!

Stars of the week

All pupils who were a star of the week joined the ‘top table’ for lunch. A huge well done to: ……..

RRSA Article of the Week

Article of the Week – Rights Respecting Schools Award (

RRSA Articles of the Week

Every week, children will be learning about an ‘Article of the Week’. This will help our children to learn and develop an understanding about the Convention on the Rights of the Child articles. Please help them learn this Article of the Week, and what this means.  

Week 1: Sharing Articles Freely

Article’s you could explore which link to this topic: 14

Article 14 – Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up. 

This week, we spoke about how we all have freedom of speech, and we learnt about how facts differ from opinions. We spoke about how we are all incredible human beings, and how we have diverse backgrounds that make us who we are!

Here is a linked activity you can do at home:

November and December are important months for many religions. Can you think of some festivals and events that take place at this time? See how many you can think of. You could write a sentence, draw a picture, or write a story about a child celebrating a festival or special day.  

Primary School Calendar:


28th/ 30th – Parents evening 3.00pm- 5.30pm

We have an abundance of exciting events taking place throughout the academic year. Please ensure you keep up to date with the Primary school calendar to ensure you do not miss out on anything: Calendar – Avanti Fields School

Secondary News

Padlocks for Assigned Lockers

We kindly request that your child has a suitable padlock for their assigned locker and follows the below key points:

-Students should only use their allocated locker number (they have been given this by their tutor at the start of the year and reminded last half term but can ask their tutors for support).

-We recommend purchasing a padlock that comes with two keys – one to be kept at home for safekeeping.

-Do not give their keys to any other student

-A 6mm shackle diameter will ensure the padlock is thick enough to be locked correctly.

All students should ensure they have a padlock for their assigned locker. It is particularly important for all Year 11 students to have a padlock in place for their mock exams.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Parents & Carers webinar

Spring term Webinar series for parents and carers commences on Tuesday 14th January .

Please see link below for further information on above parent& carer Webinars and some on demand Webinars as well.

Guide – Parent and carer on-demand webinars

Live parent and carer webinars Spring term

Community Activities Update

Discover Bhagavad Gita

The College of Vedic Studies, who do courses at Avanti Fields school, will be hosting its flagship course in JanuaryDiscover Bhagavad Gita. In just two hours a week for four weeks you can learn the main principles and lessons from this famous book, and in doing so keep up with what your children have been learning at school!  This is the most popular Bhagavad Gita course in the whole of Leicester and has been attended by hundreds over the last few years.

Please see the details and link below to find out more and sign up. If you have any questions feel free to send us a message on 07845812255.

Discover Bhagavad Gita

Thursdays, starting 16th of January

4 weeks, each session 2 hours. Each session recorded in case you miss any.

Location: Avanti Fields school

Maths Tuition

To register interest, please complete the form on this link:-

Benefits of Maths Tuition:

  • Experienced GCSE & A-Level Maths Teacher
  • Build your child’s confidence
  • Learn in a small group environment
  • Tailored learning specific to students at Avanti (working with the Maths department)
  • Provides instant feedback
  • Classes held at Avanti Fields School

Classes starting in January 2025.

Community Activities @ Avanti Field

‘Get Fit & Active in 2025’

We have a number of new classes starting in January including some free ones, most providers first class is free or low cost for you to try it out.

We have partnered with Panthers Hockey Club and Rounders England to provide new classes.

We have expanded our Ladies Only Classes – Rounders, Badminton, Hockey, Bollywood Dance & BollyJam.

To find out more or register for any of the classes please use the following link:-

If you would like to suggest other classes you are interested in or know of a coach/teacher that is looking for a venue to host sessions please email [email protected]


PTFA AGM meeting Notice

In order for the PTFA to continue and flourish, we are in need of a much bigger team that represents all year
groups in the school, including the Primary phase.

You are all invited to the PTFA AGM to be held at the school on Sunday 19th January 2025 at 3pm.

please see link below for any further information.

PTFA AGM Letter 2025 Notice

Please get in touch with us at [email protected].

Musical Concert  – Bhavik Haria

‘The PTFA is delighted to announce our first major event of 2025, as we kick off the year with a memorable musical evening in the company of our long-time supporter and friend, Bhavik Haria.

As always, guests will be mesmerised by the beautiful fusion of live contemporary and traditional sounds of Bollywood, Ghazals and Bhajans, as Bhavik Haria and his group of musicians take us on a melodious musical journey.

The event is on Saturday 1st March 2025 at 7.30pm.

Tickets are on sale now – and they always sell fast, so do book yours early to avoid disappointment! And please promote the event to your friends, family and networks. We’ll even be selling light and tasty snacks on the night, so it won’t just be your soul feeling full!

All profits from the event will go directly towards funding school activities and projects.

For tickets:

For event sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch with us on [email protected]

Contacting the School

Communications – Wherever possible please use the contact form on our website to get in touch. This is detailed on the website at The appropriate member of staff will pick up the message and get back to you as soon as possible.


To report an absence to the school, parents should contact us by 8:00am (primary) and 8.30am (secondary) 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 326 6813 (Option 1 to leave a voicemail) 

Please remember to state your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. If your child is unwell, please could you give a brief description of the symptoms. 

All education research highlights how crucial it is to a child’s academic progress and wellbeing they attend school , on time, all of the time. Therefore, a reminder that it is important that families organise events or holidays outside of school time to ensure that their child is at school as often as possible.   

The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer at LCC, and we do seek to ensure that any requests for authorised absence are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, in a sensitive manner. However, the school can never authorise a family holiday or a trip abroad to visit family members during term time.   

This academic year, families will have two weeks at the October half-term, three weeks at Christmas and two weeks at Easter for extended family holidays. Please do ensure that if booking holidays, they fall within the holiday periods.