Principals Update

Over the coming two weeks, we are excited that we continue to have a range of opportunities for our parents to work in partnership with the school to support their child’s educational journey. This includes a secondary behaviour and e-safety evening, a Year 11 parent information evening, a Year 7 meet the tutors evening and the first of our primary parent evenings. Please see below for further dates and times of these events.

In addition to this, we have already organised extra-curricular events for our pupils in Year 2 and Year 8, with further opportunities for other year groups planned in the coming weeks.

Calendar Updates

Secondary Calendar

  • Monday 23rd September – Friday 27th September: Open Day Tours ( 8:30am – 9:30am)
  • Monday 23rd September: Royal Institute Science Show (4:00pm – 5:00pm)
  • Tuesday 24th September : Behaviour & E- Safety Evening (online 5:00pm – 6:30pm)
  • Wednesday 25th September: Seasonal Flu Vaccination (Y7 – Y11)
  • Thursday 26th September: KS4 (Y10 – Y11) Space masterclass (p.4 – p.6)
  • Thursday 26th September: Y11 Parents Information Evening (5:00pm – 6:00pm)

Primary Calendar

  • Monday 23rd September: Royal Institute Science Show (4:00pm – 5:00pm)
  • Wednesday 25th September: Seasonal Flu Vaccination (Reception – Y2)
  • Tuesday 1st October:  Parent Consultation Evening (3:00pm – 5:30pm)
  • Thursday 3rd October: Parent Consultation Evening (3:00pm – 5:30pm)
  • Saturday 5th October: Primary Open Day (9:30am – 13:00pm)

Primary News

What a great week it has been!

Pre – School: This week pre-school have been creating self portraits. We have had a great time exploring colour mixing, discussing our differences and using different materials to collage. We’re so proud of our creativity and celebrating our differences!


Reception: This week Reception have been focusing on matching numbers to their amounts. We’ve been focusing on careful counting, and our number of the week was 4. How many different ways can you think of to make the number 4?….

Year 1: This week Year One have been learning to comparing numbers using the compare signs. We also had lots of fun in archery


Year 2:  Year 2 had a great time this week as they explored the Great Fire of London! The children observed a burning experiment and had thoughtful discussions about which materials would be best to build a strong, fire-safe home. We’re so proud of their curiosity and creativity!

Stars of the week

Last Friday we celebrated ‘stars of the week’ in our Celebration assembly. All pupils who were a star of the week joined the ‘top table’ for lunch. A huge well done to: ……..

Acorn : Yug for showing respect to his classroom and teachers. Well done Yug, you are a superstar!

Walnut : Mantra – for building new relationships and using his words

Buttercup:  Miya  for trying hard with all areas of learning, and for showing kindness to all her peers.  

Daisy : Shanaya for her incredible perseverance in improving her handwriting. I am super proud of your hard work!

Bluebell : Kyan  for persevering and writing amazing sentences.

Snowdrop: Kriyansh – for settling well into his new class and showing good listening

 Daffodil : Divanshi  for her excellent effort in practicing cursive handwriting in class! Well Done!

 Tulip : Hriday  for trying his best to write in sentences. Very proud of you Hriday!

Year One Reading and Phonics Workshop 

Year One parents/carers are invited to attend a reading and phonics workshop on Tuesday 24th September at 3.00 – 3.20pm. We will go through Year One reading expectations and phonics test. After you have collected your child, please wait in the school office.

 Reminder: Parents Consultation  Evening

Please be reminded that Primary parents evening is on Tuesday 1st October & Thursday 3rd October between 15:00pm – 17:30pm.

Do you know who is interested in joining the Avanti Fields Family?

We have an open day for all new parents and carers who are interesting in joining Avanti Fields Pre-school or Reception in August 2025. If you know anyone, please encourage them to come along on the 5th October at 9.30am.

Please register your place here

Primary KS1 Drop off students to school:

Parents of KS1 ( Year 1 & Year 2) are advised to drop their children to the school between 7:45 to 7:50am. School’s gate will open at 7:45 am to avoid traffic problem.

All primary parents are requested , to help reduce congestion, we ask that you drive further around the car park to take spaces closest to school, rather than the first spaces as you enter the school gate. This will allow more cars onto the school grounds to help reduce the congestion when cars are reversing in/out of the parking spaces.

RRSA Article of the Week

Article of the Week – Rights Respecting Schools Award (

Primary School Calendar:


1st / 3rd – Parents evening 3.00pm- 5.30pm

15th– Pre-school Diwali parent/ carer workshop 8.00am- 9.00am

16th – Reception Diwali parent/ carer workshop 1.30pm- 2.45pm

18th– Year 1 Diwali assembly 8.15am

– Diwali dress up day

We have an abundance of exciting events taking place throughout the academic year. Please ensure you keep up to date with the Primary school calendar to ensure you do not miss out on anything: Calendar – Avanti Fields School

Premier Education Camps – Half Term

ASDA – Cash for Schools

ASDA Supermarket has launched a new to raise money for Primary Schools which the Avanti Fields PTFA has joined on behalf of the school. At no additional cost to you they will donate the 0.5% of the value of any shopping you do at ASDA until the 30th November to our school when you shop using ASDA Rewards. In addition to this just by selecting our school on your Asda Rewards App, that will add £1 to our pot.

To help raise money for the school you simply need to do the following:-

  1. Go into your ASDA Rewards App (If you haven’t got one, download it and sign up)
  2. Once in the App you will see the Banner ‘Introducing Cashpot for Schools’, click on this, and press ‘Count me in’
  3. Next Click on ‘I Have a school I want to Choose’, start typing in Avanti Fields and our school will come up, select our school.
  4. When you shop at ASDA, George or Online, Scan the bar code on your rewards App wallet when you pay and ASDA will do the rest.

To help us further get your friends and family to do the same, remember this does not cost you anything, it’ just a new initiative from ASDA until the end of November.

At the time of writing our Cashpot is already upto £58.35.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Secondary News

Secondary Open Day Tours

“Don’t worry if you were not able to attend our Open Evening. You are most welcome to come and see our school in action at one of our live tours Monday 23 – Friday 27 September 2024

Book your place, here


Parking at Avanti Fields

We kindly request that secondary parents do not park on the school grounds to drop off or collect their children. Please use the park and stride from Tesco Hamilton to help reduce congestion around our school site or encourage your child to walk/cycle on their own. Even dropping your child along Bhaktivedanta Marg and then completing a U-turn increases the congestion around the school site. 

Please see below a number of reasons why considerate travel to school is important:

  • The school has over 1100 pupils and limited drop off/collection parking bays – we now have approximately 170 primary aged pupils
  • Onsite parking bays should prioritise the safe travel to school for our youngest learners in Pre-school, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Congestion is not pleasant to sit in, whereas parking at Tesco won’t generate any road rage
  • Parking at Tesco means that you can drop off 10 minutes earlier and collect 10 minutes later than our start times, as students will need that time to walk to school, allowing working parents more time to travel to/from work
  • Emergency vehicles are not able to access our site when traffic is at a standstill, as the road is not wide enough for 3 vehicles (one parked, one coming in and one going out)
  • Early morning congestion delays staff arrival to school and impacts on the safety of children at the start of the day (pupil-teacher ratio)

The Royal Institution Community Science Show

Royal Institute Community Science Show – Avanti Fields School

Join us for a mind-blowing day of fun and learning at Avanti Fields School! The Royal Institute will be putting on a Science Show that will leave you in awe. Get ready to witness fantastic experiments, cool demonstrations, and mind-boggling facts. It’s an event where science meets entertainment!

Whether you’re a science enthusiast or just looking for a good time, this show is for you. Bring your family, friends, or come solo – everyone is welcome! Explore the wonders of science in a hands-on, interactive way that will spark your curiosity and ignite your imagination.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to experience the magic of science up close. Join us at Avanti Fields School and be part of an unforgettable day filled with wonder, laughter, and discovery!

This show will include thrilling science experiments. we are welcoming primary students /Families and wider community.

Please note: The show is free of charge, any entry will not be permitted without a ticket.

Please book your free ticket from the link provided below or scan QR code on Poster: 

National Biology Week Competitions

Biology Week falls during 7th-11th October this year so get involved with these 2 competitions:

1) Spelling Bee – Poster attached with the words you need to learn by next week for the first rounds.

2) 3-d Art Competition –

Please see further information in below link.  Any questions ask a science teacher.

National Biology Week Spelling Bee Competition 2024

Feedback – Debry Theatre (Dracula) Trip

This week, me and 49 other year 8s had the opportunity to go to the theatre in Derby. We went to watch Dracula ‍♂️. Personally, my favourite part was the use of narration to help explain specific parts of the plot.  – Shreeya

“I liked the set design and how the design was used to create different scenes throughout the performance. I also liked how they used different clothes to represent different characters.” – Mr. Westwood
“It was intellectually interesting and fun as they’re only 6 actors playing multiple characters. I really enjoyed myself – Gopal

Unauthorised absence from August 2024

Penalty Notices will increase to £160 per parent per child (discounted to £80 if paid within 21 days).  If there is occasion to issue a second Penalty Notice for unauthorised leave of absence within a rolling 3 year period, it will be issued at the higher rate of £160 per parent per child, with no opportunity to pay at the lower level.  A Penalty Notice cannot be issued if there is a third occasion of unauthorised leave of absence in the rolling 3 year period and it is highly likely that the local authority will take direct prosecution action in the Magistrates’ Court which can result in you receiving a criminal conviction.  Please also be aware that any cases of extended periods of unauthorised absence, linked to holidays or trips away, are highly likely to result in prosecution action by the local authority.

Parent Pay Guidelines:

Please see blow link for Parent pay auto top-up guidelines:

Parentpay Auto top

Schools and Colleges Early Support Service

Parent and carer live webinars

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to invite you to attend our webinar series specially tailored for parents and carers of adolescents.

The topics have been chosen to reflect core developmental processes in adolescence and common difficulties parents can struggle with. The content is psychoeducational, strategy-based and solution focused.

Please see link below for further information on topics and bookings.

Live parent and carer webinars Autumn Term

 KS4 Careers Fair (Y10 & Y11)

School Nurse

Community Activities Update

Science Tutoring Starting in September

Reshma’s Academy, an external provider of tutoring, is going to start Science Tutoring in September for all Secondary years. To register your interest or find out more information please complete the form on this link.

Himalayan Healing

Community Activities @ Avanti Field

Community Activities @ Avanti Fields

We have a number of classes for the community to participate in on evening and weekends.

We are excited to Introduce ‘New Yoga Class Starting Wednesday 25th September – First Class only £1’

Most existing classes are either Free or £1 for your first trial class.

Martial Arts classes starting soon’

We are investing to bring you these opportunities, the feedback we have had from participants has been amazing not just from a physical and mental health point of view but also from the increased social aspect with lots of new friendships being made,  please consider giving them a try, you have nothing to lose!

To register or find out more information for any of the classes please complete the form on this link:-

Limited spaces available on all classes.


PTFA Events:

Yaadein – A musical Evening of Remembrance

Dear Parents/Carers,

Avanti Fields PTFA is thrilled to welcome back Bhavik Haria to Leicester this September for a truly special concert, ‘Yaadein’ – A Musical Evening of Remembrance. This heartfelt tribute show honours the memory of loved ones through a beautiful mix of Bhajans and devotional songs, performed by Bhavik and an exceptional lineup of musicians.

Join us for an evening of pure devotion, peace, and love, perfectly timed to coincide with Shradh 2024, a period dedicated to remembering and honouring departed loved ones.

 * Last Chance hurry ‘90%  tickets Sold’

Seating is limited, so we encourage you to secure your spot soon to avoid disappointment by booking on the following link:-

We look forward to sharing this memorable evening with you.


It’s almost time for Navratri – which means sorting outfits, learning the latest dance moves, and ensuring you’ve got your matching pair of dandiya sticks!

While the PTFA can’t help you with all of that, we CAN make sure you’ll have an amazing time at our special Navratri events; four evenings of Garba and Raas Mahotsav at Avanti Fields School. Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Friday 11th and Saturday 12th October.

We hope you can join us as we all dance away in celebration of Mataji and all that Navratri signifies.

We’re delighted to announce tickets are now on sale! Book early to avoid disappointment- the links and QR codes are in the attached poster. And here’s the link too

(Secondary Students will need to bring their valid ID each day to prove eligibility and must be in attendance with accompanying family, we will validate primary pupils with the school, this offer is open to both Avanti Fields and KAPS and is on the first 100 tickets sold).

To take advantage of this offer please email [email protected] with pupils name, year group and the number of tickets you require and we will give you details to make payment and issue tickets directly to you.

And if you’re coming along, take a deserved break from the kitchen and eat at the event, with delicious food from our catering partner, Hot Potato Shop, which will be selling mouth-watering items during our events.

See you there!

PTFA Committee

Avanti Fields PTFA

Contacting the School

Communications – Wherever possible please use the contact form on our website to get in touch. This is detailed on the website at The appropriate member of staff will pick up the message and get back to you as soon as possible.


To report an absence to the school, parents should contact us by 8:00am (primary) and 8.30am (secondary) 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 326 6813 (Option 1 to leave a voicemail) 

Please remember to state your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. If your child is unwell, please could you give a brief description of the symptoms. 

All education research highlights how crucial it is to a child’s academic progress and wellbeing they attend school , on time, all of the time. Therefore, a reminder that it is important that families organise events or holidays outside of school time to ensure that their child is at school as often as possible.   

The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer at LCC, and we do seek to ensure that any requests for authorised absence are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, in a sensitive manner. However, the school can never authorise a family holiday or a trip abroad to visit family members during term time.   

This academic year, families will have two weeks at the October half-term, three weeks at Christmas and two weeks at Easter for extended family holidays. Please do ensure that if booking holidays, they fall within the holiday periods.