We are at the end of another week and now five weeks of isolation and remote working. These are very difficult times for the overwhelming majority with no known date as to when things will be getting back to anything like ‘normal’. My simple message to you all is stay safe, be resilient and be assured that we are together, even though not in person and with limited communication.  

I am very impressed with how the children are engaging with the work being set remotely. I am also impressed with the determination of all staff to provide the best they can in these still new ways of working. Sadly, I hear of some schools and organisations that are criticising other schools, teachers and educators; basically comparing them to another and bemoaning the differences between provision and the quality of quickly prepared resources. 

For us at Krishna Avanti Primary School we have received, from you, much praise. For that we are very grateful. We are not however in competition with others and get no satisfaction when we hear that others are being compared to us, then they are criticised. The main priority at the moment is that people are safe and well; second to that comes the education. 

Whilst you are homeschooling and doing all you can, remember to be kind to yourselves. Turning a home into a school is blurring what children know and expect at each. Do what you can, but please do not pressure yourselves into thinking you are not doing enough. With my own son on Wednesday, the work set was all completed in two and a half hours. It was a good amount and left us with time in the day to throw a ball and play some football. We also did the 30 minute Joe Wicks workout. I have one child and many of you have more – that in itself will make you home schooling much harder. Be kind to yourselves. 

Key Worker Bookings and Remote Support 

The booking system for the children with an EHCP or the children of Key Workers that can’t keep children safely at home remains the same – please click here to book your child in. 

On the same page (lower down), is a link to share issues you are having with remote working. Please use it if you need to and we will help as best we can. Please do reach out and let’s make sure we connect however we can, for the good of all. 

Friday Podcast

Click here to hear our latest podcast created by the children in school. Please listen and share ideas for future episodes. We aim to send it out weekly. You will know next Friday if we are on track.

A message from the staff can be seen by clicking here.

Please do take care and be safe.