Dear Parents 

We are now past the third week of the new school year. Despite the challenges of Covid, parking and distancing, school is a positive place to be. Thank you very much for your positivity and support. The many comments about the walk in the morning working really well and the appreciation of clubs, is well received. A few updates and notifications for the past week and weeks ahead…


Thank you to all that are considering local residents. Some sadly are not and this results in both office staff and myself spending time communicating with them and not getting on with school matters. Please park where you should and respecting others. The image to the right was sent in by a resident whose entrance was blocked, apparently by one of our parents. 

Parents’ Evening

This term’s Parents’ Evening will be taking place on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th September. If you have not already booked an appointment, please do so.  Details about the appointments will be explained next week but it will be a remote meeting. Your child’s books will be sent home next Thursday, to be returned on Friday. By having them at home for the evening, you can see their work to date.  

Thank you as always for your support. Have a great weekend.

Yours sincerely  

Mr Kite
