Welcome to Krishna Avanti Primary School Harrow
Krishna Avanti Primary School, is an inclusive Hindu faith school that provides a warm, friendly and engaging learning environment for children from all backgrounds and walks of life. This school is part of the Avanti Schools Trust. Our family of schools, work together to constantly strive to improve our service to the pupils, parents and others in the school community. Our inclusive approach to spirituality means that students with or without a faith background are always welcome at all Avanti Schools. The partnership between Avanti schools extends not merely to the sharing of good practice and an exchange of staff, but also joint pupil activities. We are also very proud of our links with the local community and the support we receive from our pupils, parents, faith partner and the Trust.
Avanti School’s Trust first school opened in 2008, and since then a number of schools have been opened. All schools in the Avanti Schools Trust prepare pupils for their respective life-journeys by promoting educational excellence, character formation and spiritual insight. For further information on Avanti Schools please visit the Avanti Schools Trust Website by clicking here.
Top Educational Standards
High educational achievement and standards have always been central to the Hindu community. At Krishna Avanti Primary School, high standards and expectations are a top priority. Our aim is to stretch and challenge every child and thus facilitate their individual potential. We aim to enable children to become confident, articulate and motivated learners, and thus lay solid foundations for their future education, well-being and self-fulfilment.
A key aim at Krishna Avanti Primary School is to be one of the most eco-friendly schools in the country. Our building is equipped with a range of environmentally-friendly technologies, whilst the eco values permeate school life, including everything from the teaching to dining. Thus we help students adopt conscientious lifestyles that help sustain our planet, particularly by setting a practical example, nurturing respect for all life, and maintaining a simple, clean and ecologically-friendly environment.
An important aspect of our ecological responsibility, respect for all life and promotion of good health manifests itself in a very practical way through a balanced vegetarian diet. Children are involved with aspects of growing, preparing, cooking and honouring their food.
Yoga and Mindfulness
Each child gets access to yoga and mindfulness lessons. Students are empowered to learn powerful practises that help calm their mind and focus their efforts in the classroom.
School Facilities
Music and performing arts form an important aspect of the School’s curriculum and the School has a good range of musical instruments.
This small hall adjoins both the School’s main hall (gym) and purpose built marble temple where collective worship takes place on a daily basis.
The temple opens up into a large outdoor courtyard that facilitates outdoor dining and learning.
The School’s main hall includes a theatrical stage, lighting and sound for school performances.
The sports facilities at the School are vast and cutting edge. There is a large all-weather pitch, ideal for football and rugby any time of the year, a grass pitch for hockey and tennis, an indoor gym for gymnastics, basketball and other indoor sports, and several different adventure play areas catering to the different key stage groups.
The School also benefits from access to the adjoining grounds of Belmont Football Club where the club kindly provide a cricket pitch.
Outdoor landscaping provides for various learning facilities. Some of these facilities include a pond, wildlife gardens and an amphitheatre.
The School’s catering facilities include a purpose built kitchen capable of providing fresh, hot, healthy meals for children of Krishna Avanti and its Sister Schools.
The Crest for Krishna Avanti Primary School
In order to clearly communicate the three core values of the Avanti Schools Trust and its unique approach to education, a new emblem has been created. Sister schools such as Krishna Avanti Leicester, Avanti House Harrow and Avanti Court Redbridge share the Avanti ethos and therefore the crest as well.
Our values are expressed in the crest in the following ways:
The torch represents educational excellence
The lion represents character formation
The lotus represents spiritual insight
The banner below the crest also conveys these ideas in single words – Excellence, Virtue & Devotion.
For more information, see the Avanti Schools Trust Ethos page.