We are now only a week away from the end of the half-term break. In this past week we have had the Year 7 Information Evening which I trust was really useful for our Year 7 parents. The netball team took part in the first tournament of the year and the sense of pride when scoring a goal was great to see and hear about. Well done to each and every person that represents Avanti Fields School so well – thank you.
Restorative Practice – Building Relationships, Improving Behaviour and Creating Stronger Communities
Give everyone involved the opportunity to share their unique perspectives.
Mark FinnisSharing the thinking of the book amongst staff is not only enjoyable, but also challenging thinking, positively. We talk a lot about opportunities for the children and the past year has been a real challenge for us when we want to provide opportunities that we have to hold back on – this is now changing and we hope the benefits will be clear. ALso in the book is the area that perception is reality. How we see things, for us, is how it is. We must respect that and connect, communicate and listen to understand. That way our perspectives can be better aligned and all we do for your children in school are for the right reasons. Where our perspectives are different, we us connect, discuss and understand.
Lunch Concerns
There appears to be some concern from a small number of parents regarding lunches. I do appreciate that the technology can cause issues with payments but I would always expect children with lunch card issues to be supported and fed, without exception (bar one). The one exception would be where we know the card is not faulty and the card is not being topped up with a history of failed payments. I am sure all would agree, those able, should pay for their meals and not expect them to be paid for nor subsidised by others – the finances which do this do come from others school budgets which reduce the opportunities for others.
I have spoken to Govindas regarding the process with problematic cards and they will liaise very closely with Mrs Parker, the member of staff who leads this area.
I must say the quality of food is fantastic. I have the lunches every day from the same counter as the children and there certainly can be no complaints. We did have one child who explained she eats the meals everyday despite Mum reporting she does not. The child also commented that home cooking isn’t that good – I won’t use the exact words so as not to offend nor make the child identifiable. If you are a WhatsApp user and post on there, please try to use the Govindas contact form and work with us positively, in the same way we encourage and guide children to work with others who may have a difference of opinion. Thank you.
Primary Open Days
The primary provision for Avanti Fields School starts in late August 2022. This is for those children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019. We also hope to start the Foundation One provision for those even younger. On Saturday 2nd and 9th October, Avanti Fields School and Krishna Avanti Primary School will be standing side by side and hosting visits at both sites, sharing the primary offer for those that may like an Avanti school – two schools, one Avanti. If you have a child due to start school for the first time next year, come along and see us at both sites (and tell your friends and families too:
Saturday, 2 October 2021
- Krishna Avanti Primary School 09:30 to 12:00
- Avanti Fields School 12:30 to 15:00
Saturday, 9 October 2021
- Avanti Fields School 09:30 to 12:00
- Krishna Avanti Primary School 12:30 to 15:00
A polite reminder to make contact when your child is unwell and unable to attend school. A short call to the office to explain or an email to [email protected] really does help.
As per the letter sent yesterday, as a parent of a child currently at Avanti Fields School you may nominate yourself or another parent to become an SSC Member. For your nomination to be valid, it must be submitted by 09:00, on or before Thursday, 7 October 2021. If no more than two nominations are received, those parents shall be appointed. The term for Parent Members is three years.
If you would like to discuss the role and it’s responsibility further before nominating yourself, please email Dipak Patel, SSC Chair, with your contact details on [email protected].
MacMillan Cancer Support
A huge thank you to all that supported and gave for last week’s event. A wonderful £938.75 was raised for a cause that affects so many. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Kite
Interim Principal