We are now only a week away from the end of the half-term break. In this past week we have had the Year 7 Information Evening which I trust was really useful for our Year 7 parents. The netball team took part in the first tournament of the year and the sense of pride when scoring a goal was great to see and hear about. Well done to each and every person that represents Avanti Fields School so well – thank you.
Miss Vanessa Bardsley, the incoming Co-Principal who will be here now for the remainder of the academic year, has been in for two days this week. It has been a pleasure working with her again and we are both looking forward to the term ahead. Miss Bardsley will be running assemblies next week to introduce herself to the students and will be sharing a welcome video with parents next Tuesday.
Restorative Practice – Building Relationships, Improving Behaviour and Creating Stronger Communities
Meaningful learning takes place when we have meaningful relationships.
Mark FinnisContinuing to read Mark Finnis’s book on restorative practice and developing a restorative mindset is such a great way to reflect on how we live with the core principles of The Avanti Way. “We need to love and be loved, and to be nourished by personal relationships that encourage us to be the best we can” is one of those principles and meaningful relationships are so vitally important.
Whether it be for the children as they come into school, or for our visitors or colleagues, the aim is to always smile and create a positive vibe which will result in positive experiences. The way we greet each other and the tone of our voice is very important and I thank you all for displaying these positive behaviours as we work together for the good of all of your children. I hope even as adults we work hard to communicate positively with each other and set that great example for our young people.
Primary Open Days
Last week’s Open Day for primary places both here at Avanti Fields School and at Krishna Avanti Primary School had a great vibe. The second one will take place tomorrow, so please do spread the word to anybody you know with children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019. If you have a child due to start school for the first time next year, come along and see us at both sites (and tell your friends and families too):
Saturday, 9 October 2021
- Avanti Fields School 09:30 to 12:00
- Krishna Avanti Primary School 12:30 to 15:00
School Stakeholder Committee Parent Member Vacancies
I am pleased to say that five nominations were received for the two vacancies. This means we do need to hold a ballot for which a letter was sent this morning. Please do click the following link to make your votes.
Click here to make your votes.
As detailed, the following will now take place…
Friday, 8 October 2021
The balloting process shared, giving the names of all the candidates, together with their Personal Statement, and invitation to vote for two candidates, electronically. Each parent will receive two votes irrespective of the number of children at school. Votes must be cast using the process provided for that purpose.
Friday, 15 October 2021
09:00 deadline for submission of votes. All candidates tar invited to be present or have representatives at the voting count. The count to take place at 10:00. The two candidates with the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected.
The result of the election shall be circulated to all parents by email as soon as possible after the count. The result of the election shall show the total number of votes cast for each candidate and the total number of spoiled, incomplete / invalid votes.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Have a great weekend.
Mr Kite
Interim Principal