Principals Update

We have a new street name! Avanti Fields School is now located at 21 Bhaktivedanta Marg, LE5 0XP. The term Bhaktivedanta Marg translates to ‘The Path of Knowledge and Devotion’ and we are excited that your child’s education journey will be at such an auspicious location. We will be working with our marketing and promotion teams to begin the process of updating our school branding. A very big thank you to our SSC Chair, Dipak Patel, for his work in organising the name change.

The bulk of our teacher recruitment for next academic year has now taken place and we are looking forward to welcoming new staff for their induction day on Wednesday 19th June. Primary and new SLT colleagues will have additional induction days to support them joining in their new roles from August. Please can we welcome the following staff:
Primary: Charan Kaur (primary teacher), Sarah Hassall (primary teacher), Radhika Raval (primary HLTA), Nasiba Suliman (primary TA). Mittal Gangani will also be joining us as a permanent member of staff as a primary TA from next academic year.
Secondary: Arbham Giga (Assistant Principal, PE teacher), Gurdeep Khabra (Associate Assistant Principal, Music teacher), Amanda Rashleigh (Subject Lead in Drama). Kalpana Chhagan will also be joining us as a permanent member of staff as a secondary TA from next academic year.

This week, our Year 10 pupils have been out on Work Experience. This is a valuable opportunity for our pupils to experience first hand the world of work, continue to develop their communication skills and gain an understanding of some of the roles and responsibilities within the workforce, as well as learn more about themselves in a different environment.

It has been lovely seeing some of the messages come in for National Thank A Teacher Day. Many of them are for our primary colleagues – lets also shout out our secondary teachers! And not to forget about our amazing support staff – they deserve a spotlight for everything they do to keep the school running smoothly.

Why not show your appreciation via our Thank A Teacher form. We will share your kind words with staff on the day:

Alternatively, you could send them a free personalised limited edition e-card. Simply visit the Thank a Teacher UK website to send one for free.

Calendar Updates

Secondary Calendar

  • Tuesday 7th May – 26th June GCSE Exams
  • Tuesday 11th June : UKMT Junior Kangaroo

Primary Calendar

  •  Thursday 27th June: Reception parent/ carer workshop 1.30pm- 2.45pm

Primary News

Let’s smash our attendance this half term!

It has a been a wonderful start to the last half term. All pupils have come to school with energy and smiles.

The summer term is always a wonderful term full of excitement as pupils transition into their new year groups. As part of making a successful transition, attendance and punctuality is essential. Teachers and Support staff will be supporting pupils to consolidate their learning and plug any gaps before they move into the next academic year.

I want to thank all parents who are working with the school to ensure their children are in school every day and on time.

Let’s try and make this half term- 100% attendance for all pupils at Avanti Fields!

 RRSA Article of the Week: Article 31

Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

We will be focusing on Sports Day and how we felt, taking part in a special whole-school event. You may want to ask your child about their favourite sport, or their favourite activity during Sports Day. Was it the egg and spoon race, or relay race? Did they enjoy the parent races? What is their favourite memory.

Here is an activity you can do at home.

All children around the world have the right to play, but they might play some different games than the ones you’re used to. Take a look at some of these Traditional Games from around the world and have a go at playing with your friends.

Article of the Week – Rights Respecting Schools Award (

Primary School Calendar


27th- Reception parent/ carer workshop 1.30pm- 2.45pm

-End of Year reports


4th- Pre-school Graduation 5.00pm- 6.00pm

17th- End of Term


We have an abundance of exciting events taking place throughout the academic year. Please ensure you keep up to date with the Primary school calendar to ensure you do not miss out on anything: Calendar – Avanti Fields School


Summer Holiday Camps

At Premier, our Holiday Camps are designed to help your children get active, introduce them to new and exciting activities, and create a fun-filled experience they will remember forever.

We have so many different opportunities.

  • Our amazing HAF offer (holiday and food camps)
  • Our brilliant school funded holiday camps
  • Our fantastic parent funded holiday camps

Throughout the summer we have many different holiday camps running throughout Leicester Please see links below for further information.

Abbey Mead Primary Summer HAF Letter For Parents

Falcons Primary Summer HAF Letter For Parents

Parks Primary Summer HAF Letter For Parents

Summer Multi Venue (003)

Summer Multi Venue

The City Of Leicester College Summer HAF Letter For Parents


Secondary News

Summer Term Parent / Carer webinar Information

We would like to invite you to attend a webinar series specifically tailored to parents and carers of adolescents. In collaboration with the Schools and Colleges Early Support Service, we have organised:

Understanding the adolescent brain webinar on Wednesday 12th June

Anxiety in adolescence: how can parents and carers help webinar on Wednesday 17th June

Managing teen behaviour that challenges webinar on Wednesday 19th June

Weathering the storms of strong teen emotions webinar on Monday 24th June

Supporting young people who experience panic webinar on Wednesday 26th June

Transitioning to secondary school webinar on Tuesday 2nd July

How to support your young person with low mood webinar on Thursday 4th July

Supporting your young person with anxiety before they get their exam results webinar on Monday 8th July

Please see link below for further information on Summer Term Parents/Carers Webinar.


Secondary RESET Assembly

This term’s reset assembly for secondary pupils was delivered on Monday 3rd June. The key foci for the assembly was around toilet behaviour / vandalism and outlining the changes to pupils around the mobile phone policy.

Please see the attached document to view the presentation slides: Reset Assembly – 03.06.2024

Ice-Lolly Sale w/c 10th June 2024

There will be an ice-lolly sale taking place at lunch times in the canteen for secondary students and end of the day outside of reception for both secondary and primary students, during the week commencing 10th June 2024. The profit will be split towards the year 11 prom and towards student celebratory rewards taking place at the end of the academic year. The sale value will be £1 per lolly only, therefore please remember to send the correct change with your child.

Holocaust Centre Trip – Year 9

This is polite a reminder that the Holocaust centre trip will be taking place on the 26th June 2024 . Can all parents ensure that the payments have been made for this by the start of next half term. A reminder letter has been handed out. If there are any issues with this please contact Mr. Fairclough  [email protected]

Community Activities Update

Community Activities @ Avanti Field

We have some exciting new classes starting in June – 

Circuit Training with Faye Alexander, Monday’s from 24th June- Absolute beginners 6pm – 6.45pm. Advanced 6.45pm – 7.30pm. 1st class Free

‘Children’s Garba’ (5-15yrs) From Sun 2nd June. 1st Class only £1

‘Fitness Class’ Adults From Wed 5th Jun, 1st Class FREE

‘Unity Flow Yoga’ Sat 10am – 11am From 8th June,  1st Class FREE

‘Unity Strong Yoga’ Mon 6.30-7.30pm From 10th  June,  1st Class FREE

Most existing classes are either Free or £1 for your first trial class.

We are investing to bring you these opportunities, the feedback we have had from participants has been amazing not just from a physical and mental health point of view but also from the increased social interaction it has brought,  please consider giving them a try, you have nothing to lose!

To register for any of the classes please email [email protected]. Limited spaces available on all classes.

*** Unique ‘Parkour Ninja’ Class coming soon’***

Details on flyer, we are taking registration/interest for this class currently that will run on Sunday’s. We anticipate these sessions to get full very quickly so if your child is interested please register early!

For further information on activities and register an interest in upcoming classes please contact [email protected].’


 Summer Mela 

‘PTFA are organising a Summer Mela on the 23rd June, it is a free event with lots of activities and will be held outside this year (weather permitting), Hot Potato Food Truck will also be there to provide tasty food for you to buy, please Save the date. If you are interested in a stall at the Mela or want to help the PTFA on the day please email [email protected].

Contacting the School

Communications – Wherever possible please use the contact form on our website to get in touch. This is detailed on the website at The appropriate member of staff will pick up the message and get back to you as soon as possible.


To report an absence to the school, parents should contact us by 8:00am (primary) and 8.30am (secondary) 

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 326 6813 (Option 1 to leave a voicemail) 

Please remember to state your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. If your child is unwell, please could you give a brief description of the symptoms. 

All education research highlights how crucial it is to a child’s academic progress and wellbeing they attend school , on time, all of the time. Therefore, a reminder that it is important that families organise events or holidays outside of school time to ensure that their child is at school as often as possible.   

The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer at LCC, and we do seek to ensure that any requests for authorised absence are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, in a sensitive manner. However, the school can never authorise a family holiday or a trip abroad to visit family members during term time.   

This academic year, families will have two weeks at the October half-term, three weeks at Christmas and two weeks at Easter for extended family holidays. Please do ensure that if booking holidays, they fall within the holiday periods.