Principals Update
This week our Year 11 students have begun their November mock exams in preparation for their GCSEs in the summer. We are aware that for some of our students, sitting formal examinations can be stressful, so having two opportunities during the year to practice the routines is important to minimise the stress when it comes to the real thing. The students have been exemplary in their conduct and have clearly put time into their revision and preparations. This will also be an opportunity for our pupils to demonstrate their learning over the course of their studies, which will be reflected in their sixth form and college applications.
An opportunity for all secondary parents, but particularly those of Year 11 students, has been shared this week around an offer to attend a series of Virtual Parent Support sessions. Links to connect this virtual event have been shared via Arbor email; please contact our office [email protected] if you haven’t received the details.
- Session 1: Understanding how we learn
Wednesday 29th November, 4:00pm – 4:45pm - Session 2: Creating healthy learning routines to optimise your child’s academic success
Wednesday 13th December, 4:00pm – 4:45pm
Next week on Tuesday we are excited to be taking some of our Year 7 pupils to see Peter Pan in Loughborough. A second Year 7 trip is also planned for Monday 4th December.
Calendar Updates
Secondary Calendar
- Tuesday 28th November: Y7 peter pan Trip (Loughborough)
- Friday 1st December: Y11 1:1 careers guidance
Primary Calendar
- Christmas activities beginning in December
Primary News
🌈Anti bullying Awareness 👍😊Children raised awareness for anti-bullying by coming to school in odd socks to show how we respect differences. Children took part in creating their own anti-bullying posters and helping hands. Have a look at some of our winning posters. #respect
🌈Children in Need 2023😊Thank you to everyone for supporting the Children in Need charity today. We dressed up in yellow and spotty clothing and reflected on things we are grateful for. We have raised £86.80. Thank you for your generous donations! #characterformation
Reception Baseline Assessments
Earlier in the academic year all pupils in Reception completed their Reception Baseline assessment (RBA). Teachers use these assessments to inform next steps in teaching and support individual progress. As part of our early parents evening the teachers shared with you an overview on how your child has settled in, however, If you would like to know more about your child’s RBA please speak to the class teacher.
Primary School Calendar:
We have an abundance of exciting events taking place next week. Please ensure you keep up to date with the Primary school calendar to ensure you do not miss out on anything: Calendar – Avanti Fields School
Key events coming up:
12th– Nursery Christmas parent/ carer workshop 2.00pm- 3.00pm
-Whole school Christmas card workshop, Santa’s Grotto and Fayre 3.00pm- 4.00pm
13th– Reception Christmas Carol performance and Christmas parent/ carer workshop 1.00pm- 2.45pm
15th– End of Term (Last day of school for children)
Secondary News
Year 7/8 Netball Team
Huge success for our Year 7/8 netball team who played in the year 8 netball league and did not lose a game! They were champions of East Leicester! What a versatile team – the girls all have their preferred positions but are so adaptable and can play in any position which makes them a tough opponent. With Keah, Savanna and Priyanshi scoring our goals this team have undoubtedly a bright future in netball. Well done girls – so proud!
Brigade Uniform
Due to high demand we have decided to offer our BLACK FRIDAY PROMOTION again this year and ask for your support by informing all your parents as soon as possible by newsletter, email and social media so they can take advantage of the discount as follows:
- 10% Discount for parents via our online services
- From Friday 24th to Midnight Monday 27th November
- To receive the discount parents must enter promo code BLACK10 during checkout (if they do not enter the code their order will not be discounted)
Please use this link to share the promotion with you parents:
For any parents who are not able to take advantage of this offer but would like to know about future offers, please ask them to register their details here:
Should you have any questions or queries please email me at [email protected] or call me on the number below.
Leicester City area holiday camp programme:
Please find below information regarding our holiday camp programme running in January in the Leicester City area. We would really appreciate it if you could pass this information (FLYERS ATTACHED ABOVE) to all your parents/careers.
We are pleased to inform you that we are running a selection of Holiday Activity Camps in Leicester this January through the Holiday Activities and Food Programme 2023 funded by Department for Education for eligible children to attend for FREE!
The Government have rolled out the programme nationally to support families who receiving benefit related free school meals to take part in and it will enable children to get active as well as receive a healthy lunch each day!
Premier Education are the UK’s leading provider of sport and physical activity for schools and the Holiday Activity programme will give children the chance to try different sports, make friends, have fun and be active. Children will be able to take part in sports such as Dodgeball, Archery, Football, Tennis and much more throughout the week! In addition to this, the programme includes some fantastic health & wellbeing activities each day as well as some great arts & crafts!
Lunch and snacks will be provided each day however we would encourage children to bring their own drinks, preferably water, as well as suitable clothing to take part in the physical activity! Children can bring their own packed lunch if they would prefer.
Leicester City venues we are running are…
- Abbey Mead Primary School , LE4 5HH
- Linden Primary school, LE5 6AD
Dates: 2nd January – 5th January
Times: 9:00am – 3:30pm
Ages: 5-11 years old only, boys & girls of all abilities
To book your child’s HAF place, follow the below steps:
- Visit and click ‘Holiday Activities and food programme’
- Click ‘search for a programme provider’ and chose your venue of choice
- Click ‘Complete the Holiday activities and food programme registration form’ and complete the simple steps!
- Bookings go live on 20th November 2023. Your place will be confirmed once the bookings have closed on 5th December 2023 and Leicester City Council have been able to confirm your eligibility!
Please see the flyers and letter below for further information
PTFA – Annual General Meeting
21st January 2024
To be held at Avanti Fields School, Hamilton at 3:00pM
Please email your request to attend meeting and nomination for a committee role to [email protected]
The deadline for nominations is Thursday 18th January 2024.
please see the link below of meeting letter
Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA)
Contacting the School
Communications – Wherever possible please use the contact form on our website to get in touch. This is detailed on the website at The appropriate member of staff will pick up the message and get back to you as soon as possible.
To report an absence to the school, parents should contact us by 8:00am (primary) and 8.30am (secondary)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0116 326 6813 (Option 1 to leave a voicemail)
Please remember to state your child’s full name, tutor group and reason for absence. If your child is unwell, please could you give a brief description of the symptoms.
All education research highlights how crucial it is to a child’s academic progress and wellbeing they attend school , on time, all of the time. Therefore, a reminder that it is important that families organise events or holidays outside of school time to ensure that their child is at school as often as possible.
The school works closely with the Education Welfare Officer at LCC, and we do seek to ensure that any requests for authorised absence are dealt with on a case-by-case basis, in a sensitive manner. However, the school can never authorise a family holiday or a trip abroad to visit family members during term time.
This academic year, families will have two weeks at the October half-term, three weeks at Christmas and two weeks at Easter for extended family holidays. Please do ensure that if booking holidays, they fall within the holiday periods.